Welcome to GaiaAlertsPy a python package for data-mining photometric alerts from the ESA Gaia Photometric Science Alerts.
You can install GaiaAlertsPy using directly pip:
pip install GaiaAlertsPy
or install the source directly from the repository:
git clone https://github.com/AndyTza/GaiaAlertsPy.git
cd GaiaAlertsPy
python setup.py install
Start by querying the epochal photometric alerts for Gaia19asz.
import GaiaAlertsPy as gaap
target_id = "Gaia19asz"
alert_lc = gaap.GaiaAlert(target_id).query_lightcurve_alert()
This repository was inspired by the use of the original repository GaiaAlerts (Hogg & Sipőcz) and extending its application to the time-domain community. If you use any resources or tools from this project, please cite us and the code used therein.