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Baby Yoda

project team Vanilla JS

🛠  Tech Stack

HTML  CSS  JavaScript Bootstrap 

Git  GitHub  Markdown 

Visual Studio Code 


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The project is implemented in Vanilla JavaScript and working with:

🛠 the Movie Database TMDB;

🛠 responsive design for use on phone 📱, tablet 📟 and desktop 💻.

We are students of the FullStack Developer course , the project is written at the end of the study of JavaScript.

How to use Filmoteka?

📽 It is the site for searching and collecting movies.

The Web App provides the following functions:

🎞 search movie by a key word;

🎞 manage your film database by adding or deleting chosen movie to WATCHED or to QUEUE;

🎞 pagination allows you to easily navigate between movies;

🎞 in LIBRARY you can see your database of movies divided by 2 categories: WATCHED and QUEUE.