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In this tutorial I'm talking about the best way user can enter your webiste, create an account, validation of data and email verification.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


Description :

In this tutorial I'm talking about the best way user can enter your website and create an account.
How to validate the data user has entered in the sign up process ? How can you guarantee that email-address user has entered ,while creating a new account, is his own and this email is real (Email Verification) ? As you will see email Verification can done by several methods. I'm using the method of "Activation Link" sent to user mail.
I also use Activity Diagrams to provide you with a full imagination of the Sign up and Login scenario. What edits should be made to my database for the Email Verification process ?
Actually I'm a web developer not designer, so my design of web pages is not so good.I use PHP and Laravel framework.

Table of Contents



00 01

  • Putting HTML elements beside each others through CSS.
  • I used "bootstrap 5" library of CSS to display list of errors provided to user when entered data is invalid.
  • I used JavaScript to preview choosen image from user (before submit).
  • Prevent frequent submissions of the form through disabling the submit button after one click through JavaScript.
  • The “address” filed consists of 2 select elements. their values are connected to each other using JavaScript.
  • for example, when user choose "Cairo" in the first field the following cities are displayed "Nase City","6th October", "Mariotia" and "Ramsis" in the second field.
  • I made 2 fields for password to ensure that user entered it correctly.


  • Background using CSS.
  • "Resend" button is available only one-time for press, so that user don't press the button many times for fun, making load to my server. I did this through "onclick" attribute of JavaScript.


Activity Diagrams

a) Sign Up :


b) Log In :


Users Table

I built my table in the database using migration of Laravel.
Use the foolowing command to create the migration php artisan make:migration create_users_table --create="users" then php artisan migrate


I wanna discuss 3 columns in this table.
1. "activated" : "0" -> meaning this account is not activated yet (default value). "1" -> this account is activated.
2. "activation_code" : here I put the activation code created for this user, so that when user press the activation link I compare the activation code stored in the database with the one came from user.
3. "activation_expiry" : the activation code is valid only for one day.

Sign Up Contoller

  • I made a controller of Laravel to recieve requests from user and deal with it. to create the controller use the following command : php artisan make:controller SignUpController
  • a sign up page is displayed with a button navigating to the login page if user already have account.
  • I used the validate function of Laravel to validate the input data.
    • I handle the "birth date" field, so that user don't enter a date after or equal today. this is done using DateTime class of Laravel.
    • what about "password" field ?
      • "password" must have uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers and specail characters. I used Regex of PHP for this process as following :
      • "password_confirmation field making the user reenter password.
      • hasing password for security using Hash facade of Laravel.
  • In case of validation has failed, I redirect the user to the sign up page with the data he has entered. by storing these data in the session of Laravel. in addition to this a list of error messages is diplayed to the user.
  • User can upload his profile picture, I save it in my website to display it later for the user. as following :
    • picture name consists of the time where the picture has been uploaded ,and extension of it. $imageName = time().'.'.$req->profilePhoto->extension();
    • store the picture in the public path '/images' of Laravel using move() function.
      $req->profilePhoto->move(public_path('images'), $imageName);
  • Generate the activation code using random_bytes() function to generate random numbers. then I used bin2hex() function to convert the code to "hexadecimal", so that I have characters in addition to numbers in my code.
  • For more security the activation code is valid only for one day. I used time() function, which returns the current time by seconds. then adding to it one day by seconds which is "12460*60". after that converting this date to "Y-m-d H:i:s" format of DateTime class using the date() function of Laravel. date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 1*24*60*60 )
  • Store user data and activation data in the database through the Model of Laravel. model name is "User".
  • Generate the activation link (which will be sent to user) consisting of website URL, user email and activation code. something like that http://localhost:8000/signup/[email protected]/85d4eb341d83fa8eca73752eb976fb83 its route is /signup/{email}/{actvitationCode}. as you can see I used route parameters, so that when user clicks the activation link I access values of email and activation code through these route parameters.

Sending The Activation Link

  • I uesd SMTP protocol to send email to user.

  • I also used sendmail server from Google to send emails. here are steps to connfig your google account for sending mails :
    1 Go to your Google account 2. Security.
    3. 2-step verification
    4. App passwords
    5. Give name for your application then copy the given password, which consists of 16 digit
    6. Configure your website. go to ".env" file and edit the following variables : MAIL_DRIVER=sendmail MAIL_PORT=587 MAIL_USERNAME=..your gamil account.. MAIL_PASSWORD=..given password.. MAIL_ENCRYPTION=tls

  • Sending email in Laravel is done using the Mail class
    Mail::to('$req->email')->send(new ActivationMail($activationLink) )

  • What is "ActivationMail" ?

    • Its the Mailable Class ,provided from Laravel, which represents the message sent to the user mail.
    • To create it use the following command php artisan make:mail ActivationMail
    • I pass "$activationLink" variable to the object of Mailable class through its constructor
      new ActivationMail($activationLink)
    • "ActivationMail" has 2 important dunctions :
      • envelope(), where I determine the subject of the message
      • content(), where I determine the view file (of '.blade.php' extension), that will be sent to the user. I can design it as I want using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ... In my case the view file that will be sent is the "message.blade.php" file.

User Activate His Account

  • After user has signed up and I sent the activation link to his mail, I am telling him to press the activation link on his mail to activate his account.
  • I had explained design of this page above. name of this file is "tellingUser.blade.php".
  • In case of user didn't recieve message on his mail, he could click the "Resend" button. then I resend the message to his mail.
    I put in this button user email and his activation code ,as route parameters, so that I recieve values of them when he clicks the button, to put them in the activation link that will be resend.
    A function called "resendVerificationEmail()" will be executed when clicking this button. this function exists in the "SignUpController".
    Its route is Route::get('resendVerificationEmail/{email}/{ActvitationCode}' ,'App\Http\Controllers\ShowingController@resendVerificationEmail');
    I put constrain on this button as I explained in the "front-end" section, which is making it available only one-time for clicking (using JavaScript). So that I ensures user doesn't clcik it many times for fun and making load to my server.

Check Activation

As I explaiend before I recieve 'email' and 'activation code' of user through the route parameters in the activation link. then I compare them with the values in the database.

  • If I didn't found the email address in the database, I redirect user to the sign up page telling him "Create a new acoount as yours doesn't exist anymore".
  • If the activation code is expired, I delete his account from my database telling him "Your activation link is expired ! Sign up again".
  • If the activation code doesn't match mine in the database, I delete his account telling him "Your activation link is invalid ! Sign up again".
  • Otherwise, the activation link is valid, as the activation code matches mine in the database and it's not expired. so I redirect him to the "Login" page.

Why I do redirect user to the "Login" page after he finished Signing Up ?
User enter email and password while they are fresh in his mind. then browser save them for further login.

Log In

  • The function responsible for login is located in the "SignUpContoller" as name of "postLogInPage()".
  • User enter his email address and password. then I compare them with the values stored in the database.
  • If user account is not activated, I redirect him to the "Login" page telling him "Your account in not activated ! Press the activation link sent to your mail" .
  • I am using Hash::check() of Laravel to copmare the two hashed passwords, the first one stored in the database and the second one user enetering in the login form.
  • If the log in is valid, I redirect the user to "home" page.


In this tutorial I'm talking about the best way user can enter your webiste, create an account, validation of data and email verification.







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