#afdui TableDetail Widget #
The afdui TableDetail is a CURD JQuery UI Widget for master-slave dailog which supports the browsing, searching and modification of data.
With this widget, you can quickly create a data maintenance form with less code, letting you focus on specific business logic.
The afdui tabledetail integrated jQuery UI Dialog, DataTable, InputMask widget, display and modify JSON data in one widget.
The afdui tabledetail widget is a standard jQuery UI widget, also support multi-language and Themeroller, you can be easily integrated into your own applications.
First,clone a copy of main JQuery git repo by running :
git clone git://github.com/AnFengDe/afdui.git
Install the grunt-cli package so that you will have the correct version of grunt available from any project that needs it. This should be done as a global install:
npm install -g grunt-cli
Enter the jquery directory and install the Node dependencies, this time without specifying a global install:
cd jquery && npm install
Make sure you have grunt installed by testing:
grunt -version
Then, to get a complete, minified (w/ Uglify.js), linted (w/ JSHint) version of jQuery UI TableDeatail Widget, type the following:
grunt/grunt watch
Include jQuery,JQuery UI and the widget on a page, Then select a div to show deatail and call the tabledetail method.
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-ui.js"></script>
<script src="datatables.js"></script>
<script src="tabledetail.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var data = ....;
var options = ...;
$("divid").tabledetail(options).tabledetail("addData", data);
More detail, see also: afdui.tabledetail.demo.html API
The tableDetail consists of three methods, one to set up tableDetail, one to add Json data, one to get data form object from tabledetail, one to remove them.You'll find plenty of examples below. If you're looking for a specific option, checkout this list:
$('.selector').tabledetail(options) //create a tabledetail on the Dialog.
options: The options consists of five parts, dailog, datatables, detail form, event callback, validator and ajax.
- width: the form width
- height: the form height
- resizeable: default as false
- modal: default as true
- buttons: the form buttons(new, save,delete, close)
- table: the table option set
- sScrollY : default as 200px
- bLengthChange : default as false,
- bAutoWidth : default as false,
- iDisplayLength : defalut as 25,
- bJQueryUI : default as true
detail form
- form: the form option set
- pages : the detail information show how many pages.
- title : the title of pages,
- rows : the rows of form,
- cols : the cols of form,
- controls : the controls of form,
- label : the label of element,
- id : the id of element,
- type : the type of element,
- format : default as true,
- read : default as true,
- maxlength : the length is 10,
- size : the input size is 10,
- customData : custom Data function which displays default as input, it usually for create new data.
- validator : the validator function which validates input value
- message : the message is showed when entering wrong value in the input
event callback
- hoverTr: custom event for table's tr of hover
- clickTr: custom event for table's tr of click
- formValidator: custom function for validating form
- remoteAjax: remote data sending to server by REST
- create: put data to server
- edit: post data to server
- remove: delete data to server
$('.selector').tabledetail("addData", json_data);// add Json_data to tabledetail.
$('.selector').tabledetail("getData"); //get json_data from element.
$('.selector').tabledetail("destroy"); //destroy element of tabledetail.
For example:
var options = {
"width" : 1000,
"height" : 540,
"table" : {
"sScrollY" : "220px",
"iDisplayLength" : 10,
"aoColumns" : [{
"sTitle" : "ID",
"mData" : "id",
"sWidth" : "15%"
}, {
"sTitle" : "Name",
"mData" : "name",
"sWidth" : "45%"
} ....]
"form" : {
"pages" : [{
"title" : "General Info",
"rows" : "2",
"controls" : [{
"label" : "ID",
"id" : "id",
"type" : "input",
"format" : "number",
"readonly" : false,
"maxlength" : 10,
"size" : 10
}, {
"label" : "Name",
"id" : "name",
"type" : "input",
"format" : "text",
"readonly" : false,
"maxlength" : 32,
"size" : 32,
"validator" : function(value) {
return (1 <= value.length && value.length <= 32);
"customData" : function() {
//this function will generate new data for field
return '2400000';
"message" : "Name length between in 1 - 32"
"rowHover" : function(e, data) {
if (e.handleObj.origType === "mouseenter") {
data.current.style.color = 'red';
} else {
data.current.style.color = 'black';
"formValidator" : function(obj) {
//you can write form validator yourself
if ((obj.id.value === obj.name.value) && (obj.id.value.length !== 0 && obj.name.value.length !== 0)) {
return 'The value of id can not same as name value!';
"remoteAjax" : {
//you must write server REST API yourself
"create" : "/powerflow/api/config/devices/buses/new",
"edit" : "/powerflow/api/config/devices/buses/_name_",
"remove" : "/powerflow/api/config/devices/buses/_id_"
Then, let's create a tabledetail on the html.
The first, create a div:
<div id="tabledetail"></div>
The second, settings data and add data to tabledetail:
var $divid = $("divid");
The validator callback message:
The validator callback set input for error status:
For more information on how to use tabledetail widget, check the documentation or demo.