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💥 The quiz board implemented using nodejs and reactjs💥

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Interview quiz - React application.

Getting Started

First install libraries from package.json:

git clone <repo-url>
npm install (in both the \WEB_NODEJS\ folder and the \WEB_REACTJS\ folders)

Once it's installed, you can run npm start in WEB_REACTJS to run the react application and it will run the development server on your local machine, and give you a URL to browse.

Dev Tools

Edit, build and debug with ease

VS Code Extension

  • Eclipse key map
  • MDX Extension
  • Git lens

Chrome Extension

  • React dev tools

Best Practices

  • Application builds on - feature based pattern
  • ATOMIC - To design component
  • Styling - SCSS CSS pre-processor
  • Images - SVGR (Scalable Vector Graphics React)
  • kebab-Case for contants variables

Development scripts

Note: Run the following commands in the \WEB_REACTJS\ folder to see the results.

npm start

it will run the development server on your local machine

npm test

boolean check if unit tests all pass - uses jest and enzyme

npm run storybook

it will run the development server on your local machine, and give you a URL to browse some sample stories.

To Start Backend

Note: Run the following command in the \WEB_NODEJS\ folder to see the results.

npm start

it will run the development server on your local machine


Code-splitting with React. It's a process of taking one large bundle containing your entire app and splitting them up into multiple smaller bundles that contain separate parts of your app.


[a11y] Test components for user accessibility in Storybook
[actions] Log actions as users interact with components in the Storybook UI
[docs] Add high quality documentation to your components
[knobs] Interactively edit component prop data in the Storybook UI
[jest] Testing framework created by facebook
[enzyme] Testing utility for React created by Airbnb
[axios] A promise-based HTTP client that works in both client and server
[lodash] JS library which provides utility func for common programming tasks
[node-sass] CSS preprocessor
[react-router-dom] Client side navigation
[react-intl] JS library for translation
[prop-types] Props type check

😃 Happy Coding 😃


💥 The quiz board implemented using nodejs and reactjs💥







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