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This is a random number generator factory and ports of splitmix64, xoroshiro128+, xoshiro256++, and xoshiro256** to Go.

You need to go get before you can use this. You don't need to go get the subpackages.

There are two ways to use an existing random number generator (rnggo includes three, for example, but anyone can make their own).

The first way is to import _ "", and then to create the RNG, call rnggo.GetGenerator(rnggo.GetGeneratorType("xoshiro256**"), seed), where seed is zero or more uint64 parameters.

The second way is to just call rnggo.GetGenerator(xoshiro256starstar.GenType(), seed), where seed is (still) zero or more uint64 parameters. This relies on the generator having a GenType function. splitmix64, xoroshiro128plusplus, xoshiro256plusplus, and xoshiro256starstar all do. If you make your own generator, you should include one too for convenience.

Note that if you don't pass any seed values, the seed will be initialized to a fixed value. To seed a Generator using the clock, you can for example call gen.Seed(uint64(time.Now().UnixMicro())).

You can seed a Generator with its Seed method, and can re-seed an existing Generator as many times as you want.

To generate random numbers with a Generator, you can call the appropriate method on Generator, such as RandNext, which generates a uint64, RandInt, which takes a limit and generates a number >= 0 and < that limit, RandBool, which generates a random boolean value, or RandFloat, which generates a random float64 in the range >= 0 to < 1.

GetGeneratorNames returns a slice of generator names, if you want to see what is available, but things will only be available if their package has been loaded (by being imported) so that they can register their generator type and function.

To make your own generator type, see generator.go in any of the sub-packages (except splitmix64) for an example.


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