- Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, or 3.5
- Jupyter (Anaconda recommended)
- add monokai theme (bdell : PR #59)
- apply theme to auto-complete menu (svendx4f : PR #69)
- added support for user less/precompiled themes (osamaar : PR #82)
- misc visibility improvements
- altlayout is now default for grade3 (white bg for txt/markdown)
- full functionality has been added for Python 3.5
- better theme integration for command palette, keyboard shortcuts
- integration with Running, Clusters, and NBExtension pages.
- added font options for code-cells and notebook body
- vim nbextension compatibility provided by alextfkd
- customizable cursor color and size
pip install jupyterthemes
usage: jt [-h] [-l] [-t THEME] [-f MONOFONT] [-fs MONOSIZE] [-nf NBFONT]
[-lineh LINEHEIGHT] [-alt] [-vim] [-T] [-N] [-r]
options | arg | default |
Usage help | -h | -- |
List Themes | -l | -- |
Theme Name to Install | -t | -- |
Code Font | -f | droidmono |
Code Font-Size | -fs | 11 |
Notebook Font | -nf | exosans |
Notebook Font Size | -nfs | 13 |
Text/MD Cell Font | -tf | loraserif |
Text/MD Cell Fontsize | -tfs | 13 |
Intro Page Margins | -m | auto |
Cell Width | -cellw | 980 |
Line Height | -lineh | 170 |
Cursor Width | -cursw | 2 |
Cursor Color | -cursc | -- |
Alt Text/MD Layout | -alt | -- |
Alt Prompt Layout | -altp | -- |
Style Vim NBExt* | -vim | -- |
Toolbar Visible | -T | -- |
Name & Logo Visible | -N | -- |
Restore Default | -r | -- |
# list available themes
# oceans16 | grade3 | chesterish | onedork | monokai
jt -l
# select theme...
jt -t chesterish
# toggle toolbar ON and notebook name ON
jt -t grade3 -T -N
# set code font to 'Roboto Mono' 12pt
# (see monospace font table below)
jt -t oceans16 -f roboto -fs 12
# set code font to Fira Mono, 11.5pt
# 3digit font-size gets converted into float (115-->11.5)
jt -t grade3 -f fira -fs 115
# set text-cell/markdown and notebook fonts
# (see sans-serif & serif font tables below)
jt -t onedork -tf georgiaserif -nf droidsans
# adjust cell width, line-height of codecells
jt -t chesterish -cellw 900 -lineh 170
# fix the container-margins on the intro page (defaults to 'auto')
jt -t onedork -m 200
# adjust cursor width (in px) and make cursor red (r)
# options: b (blue), o (orange), r (red), p (purple), g (green)
jt -t grade3 -cursc r -cursw 5
# toggle toolbar ON and notebook name ON
jt -t grade3 -T -N
# choose alternate txt/markdown layout (-alt)
# and alternate cell prompt (narrow, no numbers)
jt -t grade3 -alt -altp
# restore default theme
jt -r
-f arg | Monospace Font |
anka | Anka/Coder |
anonymous | Anonymous Pro |
aurulent | Aurulent Sans Mono |
bitstream | Bitstream Vera Sans Mono |
bpmono | BPmono |
code | Code New Roman |
consolamono | Consolamono |
cousine | Cousine |
dejavu | DejaVu Sans Mono |
droidmono | Droid Sans Mono |
fira | Fira Mono |
firacode | Fira Code |
generic | Generic Mono |
hack | Hack |
inconsolata | Inconsolata-g |
inputmono | Input Mono |
liberation | Liberation Mono |
meslo | Meslo |
office | Office Code Pro |
oxygen | Oxygen Mono |
roboto | Roboto Mono |
saxmono | saxMono |
source | Source Code Pro |
sourcemed | Source Code Pro Medium |
ptmono | PT Mono |
ubuntu | Ubuntu Mono |
-nf/-tf arg | Sans-Serif Font |
exosans | Exo_2 |
opensans | Open Sans |
droidsans | Droid Sans |
latosans | Lato |
ptsans | PT Sans |
robotosans | Roboto |
sourcesans | Source Sans Pro |
amikosans | Amiko |
nobilesans | Nobile |
alegreyasans | Alegreya |
armatasans | Armata |
cambaysans | Cambay |
catamaransans | Catamaran |
franklinsans | Libre Franklin |
frankruhlsans | Frank Ruhl |
gothicsans | Carrois Gothic |
gudeasans | Gudea |
hindsans | Hind |
jaldisans | Jaldi |
makosans | Mako |
merrisans | Merriweather Sans |
mondasans | Monda |
oxygensans | Oxygen Sans |
pontanosans | Pontano Sans |
puritansans | Puritan Sans |
ralewaysans | Raleway |
-nf/-tf arg | Serif Font |
loraserif | Lora |
andadaserif | Andada |
arapeyserif | Arapey |
ptserif | PT Serif |
georgiaserif | Georgia |
cardoserif | Cardo |
crimsonserif | Crimson Text |
droidserif | Droid Serif |
ebserif | EB Garamond |
merriserif | Merriweather |
notoserif | Noto Serif |
vesperserif | Vesper Libre |
scopeserif | ScopeOne |
sanchezserif | Sanchez |
neutonserif | Neuton |
rasaserif | Rasa |
goudyserif | Sorts Mill Goudy |
vollkornserif | Vollkorn |