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CI Docker Image CI/CD Codeship Status for AlgoSolver/playground

Install & Run Locally using docker-compose with Load Balancer feature


Simple diagram


calling the API

supports C++ only

send POST request to http://localhost:3000/api/runCode with Body as JSON

  • Attributes:
    1. lang => the language of the source code currently we support only C++
    2. timeLimit => the limit on time to run your code in seconds.
    3. sourceCode => the source code you wan't to run.
    4. input => the input to the program.

response JSON object with the folowing

  • Atributes:
    1. codeStatus: Accepted or Compilation Error! or Run Time Error! or Time Limit Exceeded!
    2. other attributes only if codeStatus is Accepted
    3. output => the output of you program.
    4. usedTime => the time your program used in ms.

example request body:

    "lang": "C++",
    "timeLimit" : 10,
    "sourceCode": "#include<iostream> \n using namespace std; int main(){ long long n, k, ans = 0; cin >> n >> k; for(long long i = 1; i <= n; i++) ans += (i % k) == 0; cout << ans << endl;   return 0;}",
    "input" : "5000 10" 

response body :

    "codeStatus": "Accepted",
    "output": "500\n",
    "usedTime": 5

running checker code

send post request to http://localhost:3000/api/runChecker with body containing the checker source code, input, userOutput, juryOutput note source code should read input, userOutput, juryOutput from files with same name. response will be JSON object codeStatus: Accepted or Compilation Error! or Run Time Error! or Time Limit Exceeded! response will be the same as for calling the runCode api.

Example Checker Request

    "lang": "C++",
    "sourceCode": "#include<bits/stdc++.h>\nusing namespace std;\nvector < string > readFile(const string &fileName){\n ifstream file(fileName);\n  string s;\n vector < string > lines;\n  while(file >> s){\n     lines.push_back(s);\n   }\n return lines;\n}\n\nint main(){\n   vector < string > jury = readFile(\"juryOutput\");\n    vector < string > user = readFile(\"userOutput\");\n    if(jury == user){\n     cout << \"Accepted\";\n }\n else{\n     cout << \"WA\";\n }\n   return 0;\n}",
    "input" : "5",
    "userOutput" : "1\n2\n3\n4\n5",
    "juryOutput" : "1\n2\n3\n4\n7"

Response Body

    "codeStatus": "Accepted",
    "output": "WA",
    "usedTime": 4