Connect Methylomes and Transcriptomes
In IDH1m cells, the DNA is up methylated. By looking at CpGs we can look at the specific localization of thoses methylations. The impact of methylations on genes is knwown to have a down regulation of their transcription. By connecting transcriptomics and methylomics data, we can see the direct impact of methylation due to the mutation.
To connect the two type of data, we first have to analyze both separetly. Then we have to connect the specific CpGs found to genes that are closed to. That means, looking at 3D conformation of the chromatine.
RNAseq from HL60 cell lines, a promyeloblast cell line. Somes are WT, others are IDH1 mutated, others are WT but treated with 2HG (the direct result of reaction by IDH1m) and others are WT treated by Octyl (a small molecule involoved in the transport of HG into the cells)
DATA : Transcriptomes/DATA_Transcriptomes/DATA
Samplesheet : Transcriptomes/Samplesheet_Transcriptomes
Scripts : Transcriptomes/Scripts_Transcriptomes/Transcriptomic_Analyze.Rmd
Results : Transcriptomes/Results_Transcriptomes
Gene_Ontology : Transcriptomes/Results_Transcriptomes/Gene_Ontology_enrichment
The list of genes that are differently expressed is poor for some comparision. To extend thoses lists we have to find the genes that are linked functionnaly to them. Thanks to networks like Biogrid or Reactome, we expend the data.
List of genes for each comparison (WT/Mut, WT/WT+HG, WT+HG/MUT, WT/WT+Octyl, WT+Octyl/WT+HG) and in each direction (up or down regulation)
DATA : Transcriptomes/DATA_Transcriptomes/Results_Transcriptomes/[Comparison]/Genes_values/
With logFC threshold = 1.5 and P-value = 0.1
4 genes WT vs MUT UP regulation
3 genes WT vs MUT DOWN regulation
14 genes WT vs WT + HG UP regulation
5 genes WT vs WT + HG DOWN regulation
11 genes WT + HG vs MUT UP regulation
21 genes WT + HG vs MUT DOWN regulation
18 genes WT vs WT + Octyl UP regulation
2 genes WT vs WT + Octyl DOWN regulation
With logFC threshold = 0.75 and P-value = 0.1
- 8 genes WT + HG vs WT + Octyl UP regulation
- 6 genes WT + HG vs WT + Octyl DOWN regulation
Networks from Biogrid and Reactome
- Genes_Expension/Networks/BIOGRID-ORGANISM-Homo_sapiens-3.5.185.tab3.txt
- Genes_Expension/Networks/FIsInGene_020720_with_annotations.tsv
Results : Genes_Expension/Networks_of_new_genes
313 genes WT vs MUT UP regulation
11 genes WT vs MUT DOWN regulation
4 genes WT vs WT + HG UP regulation
3 genes WT vs WT + HG DOWN regulation
255 genes WT + HG vs MUT UP regulation
45 genes WT + HG vs MUT DOWN regulation
278 genes WT vs WT + Octyl UP regulation
0 genes WT vs WT + Octyl DOWN regulation
With logFC threshold = 0.75 and P-value = 0.1
- 24 genes WT + HG vs WT + Octyl UP regulation
- 75 genes WT + HG vs WT + Octyl DOWN regulation
Genes Networks Visualization : Genes_Expension/Genes_Networks_Visualizations/Genes_Networks_Visualization.cys
Gene Ontology Visualization : Genes_Expension/Gene_Ontology/Visualizations/Gene_Ontology.cys
Gene Ontology Table : Genes_Expension/Gene_Ontology/Tables/
Scripts : Genes_Expension/Scripts_Expension/Expend_genes.Rmd
The aim of this analyze is to list CpGs that are differently methylated between the two condition IDH1 WT and IDH1 mutated.
DATA : Methylomes/DATA_Methylomes/DATA
Samplesheet : Methylomes/Samplesheet_Methylomes
Scripts : Methylomes/Scripts_Methylomes
Results : Methylomes/Results_Methylomes
Network of chromatine physical contact.
DATA : Chromatine_network/DATA/pchic.RData
Chromosoms coordinates for CpGs that are differentially methylated between WT and Mutant
DATA : Chromatine_network/DATA/CpGs_mapinfo.csv
Script : Chromatine_network/Script/Find_Overlap.Rmd
Results : Chromatine_network/Results/CpGs_chromatine_Network.csv
List of genes that are specifically up or down regulated
DATA : Genes_Expension/Networks_of_new_genes
Network of specific CpGs differentially up or down methylated and their physical interaction with chromatine
DATA : Chromatine_network/Results/CpGs_chromatine_Network.csv
Scripts : Final_Network/Scripts/Connect_network.Rmd
Results : Final_Network/Results/????