create disparity maps for fisheye and equirect videos inverse depth mapping for panoramic stero images Used model from Inputs for should be Fisheye or equirect projections and requires properly installed ffmpeg-python wrapper as well as ffmpeg tool. Output dispmap. If not specified input FOV is 180
#Installation clone or download this repository and install ffmpeg library and add it to PATH variable to be accessable from terminal
install python (reccomended to use Conda virtual enviroment)
go to folder and install dependencies from requirements.txt
conda create -n dispmapper
conda activate dispmapper
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the converter in basic mode run
python --i inputvideoname.mp4 --o outputvideoname.mp4 --resolution 512 --fovx 200 --fovy 200
For more info about options enter
python --help
Resolution should be divisible by 256 for proper work