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A math extension module providing the absolute and square-root function of the input


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Analog Computer: Math Extension Module

This repository provides a math extension module for analog computing applications. The module provides two absolute value functions, two square-root functions, and one logarithmic value function (base $10$ and $e$) of the input. Each output features an indicator LED that provides visual feedback proportional to the output value.

Front view of the Math Module

Module Schematic

Absolute function(x): $x \rightarrow |x|$

The circuit for the absolute value function incorporates two different designs.

The left circuit is based on individual diodes and represents the classical implementation of an absolute value circuit. This circuit follows the design outlined in the document PRECISION ABSOLUTE VALUE CIRCUITS from BURR-BROWN/TI.

The right circuit is similar but with one important difference: the diodes are replaced with P-channel MOSFETs on a single substrate. This should ensure thermal coupling and closely specifications of the two MOSFETs.

Schematic of the Absolute function circuit

Square-Root function(x): $x \rightarrow \sqrt{x}$

The circuit implementation of the square-root function is based on the feedback principle. A multiplier squares the output signal and feeds it back into an open-loop amplifier to yield the inverse function. The diode in the feedback path ensures that only negative values are allowed at the input; otherwise, the output remains close to zero, preventing overload. For ease of use, an inverter is placed before the input, resulting in the overall transfer function of the module:

$$ \begin{align} f(x) = \begin{cases} \sqrt{x} & \text{if } x > 0 \\ 0 & \text{if } x \le 0 \end{cases} \end{align} $$

This circuit design is based on the schematic and principals presented in the book Analog and Hybrid Computer Programming by Prof. Dr. Bernd Ulmann and the book on the THAT Analog Computer by Michael Koch.

Schematic of the Square-Root function circuit

Logarithmic function(x): $x \rightarrow \mathrm{log}{10}(x)$ and $x \rightarrow \mathrm{log}{e}(x)$

The logarithm function circuit is based on the LOG200 chip from Texas Instruments. The input voltage must be scaled down from $\pm 10 , V$ to the chip's maximum accepted range of $\pm 5 , V$. According to the datasheet, $-5V$ falls within the absolute maximum ratings and will not damage the chip.

The transfer function of the LOG200 chip is

$$ V_\mathrm{LOG} = 250 , mV \cdot \mathrm{log}_{10} \left( \frac{I_1}{I_2} \right) $$

which depends on the ratio of the input currents $I_1$ and $I_2$. The input current $I_2$ is wired to the internal $1 , \mu A$ precision current source. Accordingly, the input voltage has to be scaled using a precision (0.05%) $50k\Omega$ resistor to give the appropriate current $I_1$. Since we want to map the output to the full range of our machine unit, $\pm1$ or $\pm 10 ,V$, a "20x" amplifier is placed after the output of the Voltage $V_\mathrm{LOG}$.

With this scaling, the following input-output relationship is achieved:

Input Current $I_1$ Output of LOG200 Circuit Output
$0.001 , V$ $0.01 , \mu A$ $-0.5,V$ $-10 , V$
$0.01 , V$ $0.1 , \mu A$ $-0.25,V$ $-5 , V$
$0.1 , V$ $1 , \mu A$ $0,V$ $0 , V$
$1 , V$ $10 , \mu A$ $0.25,V$ $5 , V$
$10 , V$ $100 , \mu A$ $0.5,V$ $10 , V$

To additionally compute the natural logarithm $\mathrm{log}_e$, we use the relation:

$$ \mathrm{log}{e}(x) = \frac{\mathrm{log}{10}(x)}{\mathrm{log}{10}(e)} = 2.303 \cdot \mathrm{log}{10}(x) $$

A simple scaling amplifier with a gain of $0.2303x$ is used to provide the output of $\mathrm{log}_e(x) / 10$.

This circuit design and Input/Output scaling are based on the circuit presented in the book Analog and Hybrid Computer Programming by Prof. Dr. Bernd Ulmann. I took the liberty of replacing the LOG112 with the LOG200 chip and adding the natural logarithm functionality.

Schematic of the Logarithm function circuit


Main Module:

Reference Value Footprint QUANTITY
C1,C2,C14,C17 10u 1206 / 3216Metric 4
C3,C5 0.33u 1206 / 3216Metric 2
C4,C6,C9,C10,C15,C16,C19,C20,C22-C25,C27,C28 1u 1206 / 3216Metric 14
C7,C8 10p 1206 / 3216Metric 2
C11,C12 33p 1206 / 3216Metric 2
C13,C18 1n 1206 / 3216Metric 2
C21,C26 68p 1206 / 3216Metric 2
D1 12V_GREEN 1206 / 3216Metric 1
D2 -12V_RED 1206 / 3216Metric 1
D3-D6 BAT43W-V 1206 / 3216Metric 4
IC1,IC2 AD633 SOIC-8 2
J1 Conn_01x23_Pin PinHeader_1x23_P2.54mm_Vertical 1
J2 Conn_02x05_Odd_Even PinHeader_2x05_P2.54mm_Vertical 1
Q1 PMV250EPEA SOT-23 1
Q2 PMV450ENEA SOT-23 1
R1 11k2 1206 / 3216Metric 1
R2 5k6 1206 / 3216Metric 1
R3-R8,R14 100k 1206 / 3216Metric 7
R9 50k (0.05p) 1206 / 3216Metric 1
R10,R11 1M (0.05p) 1206 / 3216Metric 2
R12,R29-R32 3k9 1206 / 3216Metric 5
R13 1M5 1206 / 3216Metric 1
R15 4.26k 1206 / 3216Metric 1
R16 400k 1206 / 3216Metric 1
R17,R18,R22-R24,R28 100k (0.1p) 1206 / 3216Metric 6
R19,R20,R25,R26 1M (0.1p) 1206 / 3216Metric 4
R21,R27 25k (0.1p) 1206 / 3216Metric 2
RV1 100k Potentiometer_Bourns_3296W_Vertical 1
RV2 2k Potentiometer_Bourns_3296W_Vertical 1
U1 MC7805ACTG TO-220-3_Vertical 1
U2 MC7905BTG TO-220-3_Vertical 1
U3,U4 VCAN16A2 VCAN16A2-03S-E3-08 2
U5 SI3993CDV-T1-GE3 TSOT-23-6 1
U6,U8-U10 TLE2074IDWR SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm 4
U7 LOG200 VQFN-16 1


Reference Value Footprint QUANTITY
D1-D5 BI color LED LED_D3.0mm_FlatTop 5
J1 Conn_01x23_Pin PinSocket_1x23_P2.54mm_Vertical 1
U1-U6 VCAN16A2 VCAN16A2-03S-E3-08 6

List of special Components:


This work is published under the CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly Reciprocal