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Algolibrary is a web application designed for studying algorithms. It serves as a course project for the 3rd year of study at the Higher School of Economics Perm. This application provides users with the opportunity to review concise summaries of algorithms and reinforce their learning through practical exercises.


  • Algorithm Concpects: Users can read concise summaries of various algorithms.
  • Practice: Practical exercises are available through a group on the Codeforces website. Each summary includes links to corresponding exercises in this group.
  • Organized Content: Summaries are categorized by topics, making it easier for users to navigate and find relevant information.
  • Study Plan: A structured plan for learning algorithms is provided, with algorithms categorized based on their level of difficulty.
  • User Roles: The application supports three roles: User, Editor, and Admin. Each role has different permissions, ranging from viewing data to managing content and users.
  • Markdown Support: Summaries are stored in Markdown format and converted to HTML for display.
  • Security: Passwords are encrypted using the AES algorithm for enhanced security.


Here are some screenshots of Algolibrary in action:

main Welcome page of the web application.

plan Welcome page of the study plan.

login Login Page.

theme-control Topics Management Page.

folder-controller Study Plan Folders Management Page.

conscpecr-controller Algorithm Summaries Management Page:.

conspect-folder-controller Folder Contents Management Page.

Technologies Used

  • ASP .NET CORE MVC: The application is built using ASP .NET CORE MVC framework, providing a robust and scalable architecture for web development.
  • MySQL Database: Data is stored in a MySQL database, with Entity Framework utilized for database interaction.
  • Frontend: Pure CSS and JavaScript are used for styling and client-side interactions, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience.
  • Markdown Processing: Markdig library is employed for processing Markdown content, enabling seamless conversion to HTML for display.


The application underwent thorough unit testing using the xUnit framework to ensure the reliability and correctness of its components. Each critical functionality, including algorithm summaries retrieval, user authentication, and database interactions, was rigorously tested to maintain code integrity and stability.

Roles and Permissions

  • User: Can view algorithm summaries and practice exercises.
  • Editor: Can add, edit, and delete summaries, topics, and study plan folders.
  • Admin: Has full control, including adding, deleting, editing, and viewing all users.


You can access the Algolibrary web application here (is currently down). You can access the group for practice exercises on Codeforces here.


Contributions to Algolibrary are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or would like to report any issues, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the Apache License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code as per the terms of the license.