This project implements a public API exposed by the Project Paradise 2 servers, to show the position of the players on the map.
For development it is necessary to use CORS proxy, since the API server has origin only for itself.
First launch the CORS proxy:
docker compose up -d
Then start the Next.js project:
# Install dependencies if not installed yet
npm i
# Run the development server
npm run dev
Deployment is done using Docker Image. You can build and push the image with the following command:
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t alessrsen/project-paradise-2-dynmap:latest -t "alessrsen/project-paradise-2-dynmap:$(git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD)" .
docker push --all-tags alessrsen/project-paradise-2-dynmap
Sync public files to the server
rsync -arv public [ssh-host]:[path]/project-paradise-2-dynmap
Public files are not in this repository, they will be made available to download once I find free hosting for the images.
Public files should be cached - for caching use definition in devops/nginx/npm.nginx.conf
with CORS proxy is prepared in devops/delpoyment/docker-compose.yaml