This repository accomplishes deep domain adaptation for astronomy using Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) and adversarial training using Domain Adversarial Neural Networks (DANNs) on simulated and observer galaxy mergers. We also implement the (optional) use of Fisher loss and entropy minimization in order to enforce within class compactness and between class separability in both the source and target domains.
Working with images from two domains is a challanging problem in multiple disciplines. In astronomy, transferability of deep learning models from simulated to real observed images or from one telescope to another, is a necessity. The associated drop in model classification accuracy between images used to train the model (source domain) and images from some other domain (target domain) can be mitgated to some extent by using domain adaptation techniques. Here we implement domain adaptation to improve classification of simulated and real merging galaxies. Studies of merging galaxies are challending due to small number of identified mergers in real data, biases in labeling those objects, as well as differences between observed and simulated objects. Domain adaptation and similar techniques will be needed in order to sucessfully transfer knowledge obtained from these different domains in the future. They will also play a crucial role for sucessful detection of new merger candidates in the era of very large astronomical surveys.
Our experiments were performed using a simple CNN architecture (3 convolutional, 3 pooling, and 3 dense layers) called DeepMerge, as well as using the more complex and well known ResNet18 network. See visualization of networks in:
The images used can be found at Zenodo. There are two types of experiments we run: Simulation to Simulation and Simulation to Real.
Data used to study distant merging galaxies using simulated images from the Illustris-1 cosmological simulation at redshift z=2. The images are 75x75 pixels with three filters applied that mimic Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations (ACS F814W,NC F356W, WFC3 F160W) with added point-spread function and with or without observational noise.
Source Domain:
- Images: SimSim_SOURCE_X_Illustris2_pristine.npy
- Labels: SimSim_SOURCE_y_Illustris2_pristine.npy
Target Domain:
- Images: SimSim_TARGET_X_Illustris2_noisy.npy
- Labels: SimSim_TARGET_y_Illustris2_noisy.npy
Data used to study nearby merging galaxies using simulated Illustris-1 images at redshift z=0 and real Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images from the Galaxy Zoo project. All images have three filters applied: SDSS images have (g,r,i) filters, while simulated Illustris images also mimic the same three SDSS filters with added effects of dust, point-spread function, and observational noise.
Source Domain - Illustris-1 images (snapshot z=0) with added effects of dust, PSF and observational noise mimicking SDSS observations
- Images: SimReal_SOURCE_X_Illustris0.npy
- Labels: SimReal_SOURCE_y_Illustris0.npy
Target Domain - SDSS images of merging galaxies, labeled through Galaxy Zoo project
- Images: SimReal_TARGET_X_postmergers_SDSS.npy
- Labels: SimReal_TARGET_y_postmergers_SDSS.npy
Explanations of how to run different versions of training as well as evaluation are given in example notebook:
This code was developed using Pytorch 1.7.0. The requirements.txt file lists all Python libraries that your notebooks will need, and they can be installed using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Aleksandra Ćiprijanović
- Diana Kafkes
- Gabriel Perdue
If you use this code, please cite our paper: "DeepMerge II: Building Robust Deep Learning Algorithms for Merging Galaxy Identification Across Domains": A. Ciprijanovic, D. Kafkes, K. Downey, S. Jenkins, G. N. Perdue, S. Madireddy, T. Johnston, G. F. Snyder, B. Nord, 2021, MNRAS, 605, 677-691, arXiv:2103.01373