Library and tasks for creating a swarm docker 1.12+
When using the tasks you should make sure that either your managers are already setup or that the leader nodes are processed before/at the same time as the managers otherwise the manager join will fail due to the cluster not existing.
Docker must be available on the node itself.
# this is the url to the docker instance we want to manipulate, default to the unix socket
swarm_docker_url: ""
# whether we should create a cluster on this node?
swarm_leader: false
# use to join a cluster as a manager
swarm_manager: false
# use to join a cluster as a worker
swarm_worker: false
# when joining a cluster, this should contain a list of nodes with docker available through HTTP (port defaults to 2376
# if not specified)
swarm_remote_addrs: []
# on which (address|interface)[:port] the swarm should be listening
# advertise address, docker will try to find a decent default
swarm_advertise_addr: ""
# when set, updates the node availability to match this value, can be either "active", "pause", "drain"
swarm_availability: "drain"
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: swarm
gather_facts: true
become: true
- AerisCloud.swarm