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Releases: Aelto/tw3-random-encounters-reworked


25 May 23:04
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Warning: This version of the mod is for the 1.32 Old Gen version of the game.


  • RER Contract: species selection, properly calculate selected species when reputation is disabled


22 Jul 11:14
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It is NEEDED you remerge the sharedutils after the update

CHANGELOG (since last full release)

  • 4.04 game compatibility
  • #198 add menu slider to control reputation loss on death during contracts, 0 to disable the loss


16 Jun 17:37
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No new merges added, dropping the new files and replacing everything should be enough.


  • Add standalone 3D markers (that don't need FHUD or any other mod to work), unlike usual 3D markers the ones displayed by RER provide 0 performance drops and work on high refresh rate displays. Added toggles in the optional features menu
    • add menu toggle for 3D marker on Bounty Master
    • add menu toggle for 3D marker on main bounty target
    • add menu toggle for 3D marker on contract target
    • add menu toggle for 3D marker on ambushes, hunting grounds, and monster hunts
  • Add HUD text message when examining tracks to specify which species they're from
  • Add description on all RER map pins to explain they can act as Fast Travel locations (click to fast travel to pin)
  • Add new option to the Contracts System menu to use an alternative rewards system for the contracts. The option is enabled by default, contracts now give raw golds instead of tokens of gratitude. The amount of gold is deduced from the Rewards System crowns menu
  • Update the maximum range used by the contracts while picking the Point Of Interest for the target.
    • decreased from 100% chance to 70% to get the closest 12% POIs of the map
    • new 20% chance to get the 12% to 25% closest POIs of the map
    • new 10% chance to get the 25% to 50% closest POIs of the map
  • Update the default values for the crowns menu


  • Fix main bounty target markers not disappearing upon completion
  • Fix map markers not appearing in Velen
  • Fix stat tracking incorrectly counting how many encounters or creatures were spawned by the mod



16 Jun 18:05
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Warning: This version of the mod is for the 1.32 Old Gen version of the game. See the same release but for Next Gen: v3.2

This version of RER was automatically generated from the NextGen version of the mod. For this reason you may empty lines in the mod menu, this is normal and can be ignored. It's the horizontal spacer lines you'd usually see in Next Gen. The changelog below includes all of the changes that were made from 2.13 to 3.3

If updating from v2.13-pre_release_0 or earlier

  • Go in your mods and delete all sharedutils mods
  • Go in your mods folder and delete modBootstrap and modBootstrap-registry (if no other mod uses it obviously)
  • Take this release and install it like any other mod, merge files, enjoy.


  • Add standalone 3D markers (that don't need FHUD or any other mod to work), unlike usual 3D markers the ones displayed by RER provide 0 performance drops and work on high refresh rate displays. Added toggles in the optional features menu
    • add menu toggle for 3D marker on Bounty Master
    • add menu toggle for 3D marker on main bounty target
    • add menu toggle for 3D marker on contract target
    • add menu toggle for 3D marker on ambushes, hunting grounds, and monster hunts
  • Add HUD text message when examining tracks to specify which species they're from
  • Add description on all RER map pins to explain they can act as Fast Travel locations (click to fast travel to pin)
  • Add new option to the Contracts System menu to use an alternative rewards system for the contracts. The option is enabled by default, contracts now give raw golds instead of tokens of gratitude. The amount of gold is deduced from the Rewards System crowns menu
  • Update the maximum range used by the contracts while picking the Point Of Interest for the target.
    • decreased from 100% chance to 70% to get the closest 12% POIs of the map
    • new 20% chance to get the 12% to 25% closest POIs of the map
    • new 10% chance to get the 25% to 50% closest POIs of the map
  • Update the default values for the crowns menu
  • Add custom glossary entry to keep track of RER events. The tracker is accessible through the glossary menu
    • track how many encounters were spawned since the start of the playthrough
    • track how many encounter groups were killed
    • how many were spawned but never killed (a.k.a. recycled)
    • how many times RER should have spawned an encounter but was cancelled (player in combat, in scene, in settlement, etc....)
    • how many of each creature type was spawned
  • Add rerslowboot(false) command to disable RER's slow boot feature
  • Set bounty master map pin unique so it appears under its own filter category in the map menu
  • Set bounty & contract markers unique so they appear under their own filter category in the map menu
  • Add option to cancel spawns when nearby quest markers, available in the Encounters System / General menu.


  • Fix main bounty target markers not disappearing upon completion
  • Fix map markers not appearing in Velen
  • Fix stat tracking incorrectly counting how many encounters or creatures were spawned by the mod


  • Add image gallery of all the possible locations used by the bounty master. The link to the gallery was added to the Bounties RER Bible page
  • removed dependency on the sharedutils_custombossbar
  • Remove bootstrap dependency due to the recent crashes it caused in NextGen
  • Add sharedutils_tiny_bootstrapper dependency


15 May 19:59
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This is kind of a temporary update, i have new features ready and close to being completed but unfortunately it is still too early to ship them. So in the meantime here is a compatibility update with the v4.03 that was released a few days ago, as well as the removal of 1 sharedutils module.

If you wish you can now safely delete the mod_sharedutils_custombossbar from your mods folder and remerge any edited file! It may take a few days for the guides to reflect that change.

  • compatibility update for Game v4.03
  • removed dependency on the sharedutils_custombossbar


06 Feb 00:00
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Dependency update

If you already have the v3.1 or v3.1.1 installed, there is no reason to update to this version as it doesn't include any new feature
If you're coming from an older version, it is recommended you remove the old sharedutils mod folders before installing this one.

The sharedutils were updated and mods were released with their newer versions such as Progress On The Path. This update ensures both mods use the same version of the sharedutils.

Further improved overall merge friendliness of the sharedutils, allowing them to auto-merge with pretty much anything, W3EE Redux included. The in-depth guide was updated to include documentation on how to auto-merge RER & W3EER


31 Jan 00:22
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Dependency update

The sharedutils were updated and mods were released with their newer versions such as Progress On The Path. This update ensures both mods use the same version of the sharedutils.

The update does not contain anything important other than that...

CHANGELOG (since last full release)

  • wip: Add custom glossary entry to keep track of RER events. This feature is a work in progress and may not keep track of the events correctly yet. It will stabilized and further tested in a future release 🤓 The tracker is accessible through the glossary menu
    • track how many encounters were spawned since the start of the playthrough
    • track how many encounter groups were killed
    • how many were spawned but never killed (a.k.a. recycled)
    • how many times RER should have spawned an encounter but was cancelled (player in combat, in scene, in settlement, etc....)
    • how many of each creature type was spawned


05 Jan 17:33
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NextGen stability update

Warning: before installing the update make sure to remove ALL files from previous installs of RER. Includes all sharedutils, both mods and DLCs, includes old RER mods & dlc folder, includes bootstrap and its registry if no other mod depends on it.


  • Add rerslowboot(false) command to disable RER's slow boot feature
  • Set bounty master map pin unique so it appears under its own filter category in the map menu
  • Set bounty & contract markers unique so they appear under their own filter category in the map menu
  • Add option to cancel spawns when nearby quest markers, available in the Encounters System / General menu.


  • Remove bootstrap dependency due to the recent crashes it caused in NextGen
  • Add sharedutils_tiny_bootstrapper dependency


23 Dec 10:33
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NextGen compatibility version

No changes in the mod except for how it is bundled and installed. Please refer to the installing section


29 Oct 22:09
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v2.13-pre-release_0 Pre-release

No new merges, no re-merge needed after updating.

Warning: Installing the update will reset all of your trophy settings as well a trophy selling price setting.

Patch notes

Remember this is a pre-release and some bugs may happen.

The v2.13 release's goal is to make sure the contracts do not feel like a chore and more like a vanilla feature with a slow but steady progression. The previous implementation of the reputation levels were great on paper but having to restart from scratch every time you visit a new region was not fun. There is now a single playthrough reputation level that is shared among all maps, but to compensate deaths during contracts now decrease your reputation level. Over time this should ensure the contracts you are offered aren't too hard for your level as the only way to get higher reputation is complete perfect (no-death) contracts. The mod will then adjust automatically if it sees you die frequently so that you are playing fair fights.

There is also the introduction of bounty rewards. Each region offers a set of rare vanilla items you may miss in regular playthroughs. Complete bounties, gain bounty levels and get awesome rewards!


  • Community contribution: @Ferroxius: The bounty master now has a unique and non spoiler-y appearance depending on the region.
  • Community contribution: JonasG: Add bounty rewards. Reaching milestones by completing bounties and gaining bounty levels grants unique items for each region (White Orchard, Velen, Skellige, Toussaint).
  • Add rerresetbountylevel console command to reset the bounty level in your current map, useful if you already reached high levels and would like to get the rewards. The rewards are not retroactive.
  • Bonus group in bounties no longer grant bonus bounty levels. They now grant bonus rewards, increased by 100% per additional group killed.
  • Work in Progress: camera cutscene while talking to the bounty master
  • Increase the ecosystem strength of a few hard to kill creatures to ensure contracts & bounties spawn them in smaller amounts and at higher levels
  • Remove local reputation levels
  • Remove map-wide reputation levels
  • Remove requirement to complete high level contracts to gain reputation
  • Add option to spend 3 reputation points for a random piece of loot. The loot is a bonus, this is mostly a solution to decrease your reputation if it's getting too hard
  • Add playthrough-wide reputation levels, completing a contract no matter its level and in any map now grants 1 global reputation level
  • Deaths during contracts reduce the global reputation level by 1, capped after 2 deaths.
  • Improve compatibility from popups with VladUI
  • Tweaked the prices of most trophies, this is a general nerf to their selling prices
Detailed price changes
  • human: 5 -> 5
  • vampire: 250 -> 160
  • higher_vampire: did not exist -> 200
  • necrophage: 12 -> 10
  • spirit: 45 -> 30
  • garkain: 240 -> 150
  • arachas: 40 -> 35
  • nightwraith: 80 -> 50
  • noonwraith: 80 -> 50
  • cyclop: 300 -> 75
  • czart: 150 -> 90
  • forktail: 170 -> 90
  • wyvern: 170 -> 95
  • cockatrice: 170 -> 95
  • dracolizard: 170 -> 120
  • basilisk: 170 -> 100
  • griffin: 170 -> 95
  • insectoid: 45 -> 20
  • elemental: 100 -> 100
  • fiend: 180 -> 95
  • grave_hag: 70 -> 30
  • wight: 200 -> 120
  • sharley: 300 -> 200
  • giant: 320 -> 110
  • harpy: 6 -> 6
  • ekimmara: 110 -> 120
  • katakan: 110 -> 120
  • leshen: 120 -> 105
  • nekker: 6 -> 6
  • troll: 30 -> 25
  • wraith: 30 -> 10
  • beast: 3 -> 3
  • wildhunt: 45 -> 25
  • fogling: 50 -> 25
  • werewolf: 70 -> 110


  • The bounty seed selector maximum value is no longer tied to the current crowns in your pockets.
  • Correctly use the player level (or playtime with EE) for the additional delays per level option.