This app is used to manage basic tasks of a group.
- Download the project
- Put it in your server or in Mamp
- Go to the project url and enjoy the application (ex: http://localhost:8888/taskManager/)
Note : Be sure to put the project in the right folder, to have an url like this : http://yourserver/taskManager/
You can use the Restfull api with endpoints. Some of them aren't used for the font app.
Enpoint avalaibles :
- get all users: /user
- get a user by id : /user/{$id}
- get a task for a specific user: task/user/{$id}
- get a task by id : /task/{$id}
- get all the tasks : /task
- Add a user : /user/add
- Create a new task : /task/create
- Delete task by task ID : /task/delete/{$id}
- Delete a user AND all his tasks : /user/delete/{$id}