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 Harley White & Rhys Gilkenson
     The Universal Machine

We have received help from various TAs on this assignment for
clarification questions and some debugging.

Everything in the UM has been correctly implemented.

Our final implementation stuck with our planned designed.

Main module initializes things, reads in the program file, and stores 
it using the memory module. It then runs a loop, reading the instruction 
at the program counter with the memory module and passing it into the 
interpret module.

Memory module is called by other modules.

Interpret module breaks down the instruction and then calls a function 
from the execute module.

Execute module executes the instruction. Many instructions involve calling 
the memory module.

In order to run 50 million instructions, our UM would take approximately
17.5 seconds to run. We calculated this by using /usr/bin/time 
our a test file that has 200,000 instructions and then multiplying this
by 250 to get roughly 50 million instructions.

We also created a basic compiler to create .um files from semi-human-readable
text files.


halt          // halts the um -- this tests our halt implementation
add           // adds empty register 1 to empty register 2 -- store in 
              // register 0 -- this tests our add implementation
nandtest      // loads the values 0F0F and F0F0 into two different
              // registers -- nands 0F0F and F0F0 together to get 
              // all Fs -- this tests our nand implementation
print-six     // loads 6 into a register and then and prints that
              // register -- this tests output and loadv, multiple
              // functions at once
in2out        // inputs a number into a register -- adds its value to 
              // itself and prints the result -- this tests basic
              // input and output
jumptest      // jumps over the next line of code to the line after -- 
              // there are three prints but one of them is jumped over --
              // this tests a jump feature that can be used with the UM
              // with the load program implementation
ifprint       // stores 3 in register 0 and 4 in register 1 -- if 
              // register 2 has a 0 zero, then nothing happens --
              // else it will move register 1 into register 0 and print
              // the value in register 0 -- this tests the use of 
              // conditionals in with our UM
newseg-valout // stores value for character 6 into register 3 -- makes
              // a new segment of size 1 and stores register 3 into 
              // that new segment -- retrieves value from that segment
              // and store into register 4 and print contents of
              // register 4 -- this tests our mapping implementation
6map          // creates 2 new segments of size 1 -- stores 7 in both
              // and then loads those two values into two registers 
              // and prints them -- this tests multiple mappings
above255      // loads 224, 225, and 226 into register 0 and outputs
              // the values stored in them -- um does not fail because
              // values above 255 loop around themselves in our
              // implementation -- this tests loading values outside of
              // the ascii range that can be handled by the UM
largeval      // stores a large value into a register -- this tests 
              // mapping segments that are large -- 21474874 words
basic-in-out  // inputs into register 0 and outputs register 0 -- 
              // tested with all letters and numbers 0 - 9 to ensure
              // correct result -- tests basic input and output
manytimes     // runs 20000 instructs to print f each time -- tests
              // long lists of instructions
longmap       // maps a new segment many times over and executes over
              // 200000 instruments -- tests the resources of the UM
              // and the segmented memory and if it can handle many
              // mappings
segcopytest   // Constructs the value for the "halt" command, stores it in a
              // new memory segment, then loads that segment as the program
iftest        // Basic conditional jump test

This project took us 2 - 3 hours to anaylize the assignment,
4 hours to prepare the design and 6 hours solving the problem.


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