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Automotive Ecommerce platform. Traders can easily list, update, and remove cars, while buyers can explore and purchase their next ride hassle-free.

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Automotive E-Commerce Platform

Welcome to our Automotive E-Commerce Platform! This full-stack project aims to provide users with a seamless shopping experience for automotive products, along with robust features for car reviewing, trader rating, and comprehensive inventory management capabilities. Users can filter cars based on their needs, purchase them, while traders can add, update, delete, and manage their cars through their dashboard.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Technologies Used
  3. Endpoints
  4. Installation
  5. Contribution


  1. Registration and Authentication:

    • Users can register and log in securely using JWT Tokens for authentication and authorization.
    • We have implemented ASP.NET Identity for user management and utilized JWT tokens to ensure secure access to the platform and its features.
  2. Homepage:

    • Upon logging in, users are greeted with a homepage featuring essential information about the website and showcasing the top 9 available cars.
  3. Product Page & Filtering:

    • Users can navigate to the product page to view all cars available on the platform.
    • Within the product page, users can filter cars based on brand name, model name, model year, category, and price range.
  4. Car Details:

    • Clicking on a car leads to a detailed page showcasing car information, ratings, comments, trader info, and trader ratings.
  5. Cart Functionality:

    • Users can add desired cars to their cart for later purchase.
    • The cart allows users to manage their selected items, proceed to payment, or remove items.
  6. Address Management:

    • Users can add their address details for the current payment process, ensuring accurate delivery.
  7. Order Details:

    • Upon completion of the payment process, users can view detailed order information on a separate page.
  8. Car and Trader Reviews:

    • After payment, users can review both the purchased car and its trader, providing valuable feedback to the community.
  9. Trader Dashboard:

    • Traders have access to a dashboard where they can manage their inventory.
    • Functions include adding, updating, deleting, and retrieving their cars.
    • Traders can also browse cars available on the platform.

Technologies Used

  • ASP.NET Web API:

    We utilized ASP.NET Web API, along with C# programming language, to build robust and scalable APIs, enabling seamless communication between the frontend and backend.

  • React:

    For frontend development, we chose React.js and Redux for efficient, dynamic, and responsive user interfaces. React's component-based architecture enabled us to create reusable UI elements, ensuring a more maintainable codebase.

  • Entity Framework Core:

    We have used Entity Framework Core for creating our database based on ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) technology.

  • LINQ (Language Integrated Query):

    We leveraged LINQ for querying the database, providing a more intuitive and type-safe way to retrieve data.

  • ASP.NET Identity:

    We have utilized ASP.NET Identity to generate JWT tokens, facilitating user Authentication and Authorization processes. Microsoft Identity also aids in the generation of Login and Registration Endpoints, as well as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), ensuring secure access to our platform's features.


Authentication Endpoint

Route: api/Authentication

1. /Register (POST)
  • Description: Registers a new user.

  • Request Body:

    • email: String (required)
    • password: String (required)
    • confirmPassword: String (required, must match password)
    • firstName: String (required)
    • lastName: String (required)
    • phoneNumber: String (required, 11 digits)
    • role: String (required)
  • Response:

    • token: String (JWT token)
    • result: Boolean (true if successful, false otherwise)
    • role: String (role chosen for the user)
    • errors: Array (list of errors if any)
2. /login (POST)
  • Description: Logs in an existing user.

  • Request Body:

    • email: String (required)
    • password: String (required)
  • Response:

    • token: String (JWT token)
    • result: Boolean (true if successful, false otherwise)
    • role: String (role of the user)
    • errors: Array (list of errors if any)

TraderDashboard Endpoint

Route: api/TraderDashboard

This endpoint provides functionalities for managing cars on the trader's dashboard. The user is uniquely identified using the bearer token.

1. POST /

  • Description: Adds a new car to the trader's dashboard.

  • Request Body:

    • brandName: String (required) - The brand name of the car.
    • modelName: String (required) - The model name of the car.
    • modelYear: Integer (required) - The model year of the car.
    • price: Float (required) - The price of the car.
    • carCategory: String (required) - The category of the car.
    • carImage: String (optional) - URL to the image of the car.
  • Response: Returns the details of the added car.

2. PUT /{carId}

  • Description: Updates the information of a car on the trader's dashboard.

  • Request Parameters:

    • carId: Integer (required) - The unique identifier for the car.
  • Request Body:

    • Same as the POST request body.
  • Response: Returns the updated details of the car.

3. DELETE /{carId}

  • Description: Deletes a car from the trader's dashboard.

  • Request Parameters:

    • carId: Integer (required) - The unique identifier for the car.
  • Response: Returns the details of the deleted car.

4. GET /

  • Description: Retrieves a list of cars on the trader's dashboard.

  • Response: Returns an array of car objects, each containing the following attributes:

    • brandName: String - The brand name of the car.
    • modelName: String - The model name of the car.
    • modelYear: Integer - The model year of the car.
    • price: Float - The price of the car.
    • carCategory: String - The category of the car.
    • carImage: String - URL to the image of the car.

HomePage Endpoint

Route: api/HomePage

1. / (GET)
  • Description: Retrieves a list of top 9 cars.

  • Response:

    • Array of car objects, each containing the following attributes:
      • id: Integer (unique identifier for the car)
      • brandName: String (name of the car brand)
      • modelName: String (name of the car model)
      • modelYear: Integer (year of the car model)
      • price: Float (price of the car)
      • carCategory: String (category of the car)
      • carImage: String (URL to the car image)
      • inStock: Boolean (availability of the car)
      • orderId: Integer or null (order ID if the car is ordered, null if not)
      • traderId: String (unique identifier of the trader)
      • averageRating: Float (average rating of the car)

Search Endpoint

Route: api/Search

1. / (GET)
  • Description: Retrieves a list of cars based on search criteria.

  • Request Parameters:

    • BrandName: String (optional)
    • ModelName: String (optional)
    • ModelYear: Integer (optional)
    • minPrice: Float (optional)
    • maxPrice: Float (optional)
    • CarCategory: String (optional)
    • page: Integer (optional)
  • Response:

    • totalCount: Integer (total number of cars matching the search criteria)
    • page: Integer (current page number)
    • cars: Array of car objects, each containing the following attributes:
      • id: Integer (unique identifier for the car)
      • brandName: String (name of the car brand)
      • modelName: String (name of the car model)
      • modelYear: Integer (year of the car model)
      • price: Float (price of the car)
      • carCategory: String (category of the car)
      • carImage: String (URL to the car image)
      • inStock: Boolean (availability of the car)
      • orderId: Integer or null (order ID if the car is ordered, null if not)
      • traderId: String (unique identifier of the trader)
      • reviews: Array of review objects, each containing the following attributes:

carInfoPage Endpoint

The carInfoPage endpoint provides detailed information about a specific car, including its reviews, trader information, and trader rating.


  • /api/carinfo
1. GET /{carId}
  • Description: Retrieves all information about a car, including its reviews, trader information, and trader rating.

  • Request Parameters:

    • carId: Integer - The unique identifier for the car.
  • Response:

    • id: Integer - The unique identifier for the car.
    • brandName: String - The brand name of the car.
    • modelName: String - The model name of the car.
    • modelYear: Integer - The model year of the car.
    • price: Float - The price of the car.
    • carCategory: String - The category of the car.
    • carImage: String - URL to the image of the car.
    • inStock: Boolean - Indicates if the car is in stock.
    • traderRating: Float - The rating of the trader associated with the car.
    • firstName: String - The first name of the trader.
    • lastName: String - The last name of the trader.
    • phoneNumber: String - The phone number of the trader.
    • carReviews: Array - An array of reviews for the car (empty if no reviews).

Reviews Endpoint

The Reviews endpoint handles posting reviews for cars and traders.


  • /api/Reviews

1. POST /car

  • Description: Adds a review for a car.

  • Request Body:

    • carId: Integer (required) - The unique identifier for the car.
    • rating: Integer (required) - The rating given for the car.
    • comment: String (optional) - An optional comment for the review.
  • Response: Returns the details of the posted review.

2. POST /trader

  • Description: Adds a review for a trader.

  • Request Body:

    • traderId: String (required) - The unique identifier for the trader.
    • rating: Integer (required) - The rating given for the trader.
    • comment: String (optional) - An optional comment for the review.
  • Response: Returns the details of the posted review.

Cart Endpoint

The Cart endpoint manages operations related to a user's shopping cart.


  • /api/Cart

1. GET /GetCartItems

  • Description: Retrieves all cars in the user's shopping cart.

  • Response: Returns an array containing details of all cars in the cart.

2. POST /AddToCart

  • Description: Adds a car to the user's shopping cart.

  • Request Parameters:

    • carId: Integer - The unique identifier for the car to be added to the cart.
  • Response: Returns the details of the added car.

3. DELETE /DeleteFromCart

  • Description: Removes a car from the user's shopping cart.

  • Request Parameters:

    • carId: Integer - The unique identifier for the car to be removed from the cart.
  • Response: Returns the details of the removed car.

4. POST /ProceedToPay

  • Description: Proceeds to payment after validating cart items.

  • Response: Returns the details of all cars in the cart, ensuring they have not been paid by another user and have not been deleted from the website by their trader.

User Endpoint

The User endpoint allows for managing user information.


  • /api/User

1. PUT /

  • Description: Updates user information.

  • Request Body:

    • firstName: String (required)
    • lastName: String (required)
    • email: String
    • phoneNumber: String (required, 11 digits)
  • Response: Returns new user information.

2. GET /

  • Description: Retrieves user information.
  • Response: Returns user information.

Order Endpoint

The Order endpoint provides access to order details.


  • /api/order

1. GET /

  • Description: Retrieves details of a specific order.

  • Request Parameters:

    • orderId: Integer (required) - The unique identifier for the order.
  • Response:

    • orderId: Integer - The unique identifier for the order.
    • carsInfo: Array - Information about the cars included in the order.
    • totalPrice: Decimal - The total price of the order.
    • paymentStatus: String - The payment status of the order.
    • customerName: String - The name of the customer who placed the order.
    • purchaseDate: Datetime - The date and time when the order was placed.

Address Endpoint

The Address endpoint allows users to add or retrieve their address information.


  • /api/address

1. POST /

  • Description: Adds an address for a user.

  • Request Parameters:

    • country: String (required) - The country of the address.
    • city: String (required) - The city of the address.
    • streetAddress: String (required) - The street address.
    • state: String (required) - The state of the address.
    • zipCode: String (required) - The zip code of the address.
  • Response: Returns the details of the added address.

2. GET /

  • Description: Retrieves the user's address.

  • Response: Returns the details of all of the user's addresses.


To get started with the Automotive E-Commerce Platform, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Open the project in Visual Studio.

  3. Open the Package Manager Console (PMC) by navigating to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console.

  4. Run the following command in the PMC to apply any pending migrations and update the database:


  5. Once the database is updated, you can run the program.

  6. You can now start testing the API endpoints using tools like Postman or Swagger UI.

With these steps completed, you should have the Automotive E-Commerce Platform up and running on your local machine, ready for development or testing.


We welcome contributions from the community to improve the Automotive E-Commerce Platform. If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix: git checkout -b feature-name.
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m 'Add new feature'.
  4. Push to your branch: git push origin feature-name.
  5. Submit a pull request to the main branch of the original repository.
  6. Provide a detailed description of your changes and why they are necessary.

We appreciate your contributions and look forward to working together to make the Automotive E-Commerce Platform even better!


Automotive Ecommerce platform. Traders can easily list, update, and remove cars, while buyers can explore and purchase their next ride hassle-free.






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