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Releases: AD4GD/pilot-2-preprocessing

v1.0.0: Updated installation instruction

29 Nov 17:50
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This release marks the initial version of the tool, which provides main functionalities to enrich land-use/land-cover (LULC) datasets with other vector data.


This tool includes four Jupyter Notebooks, which can be optional depending on purposes. These Notebooks are mainly developed to apply to the AD4GD project (biodiversity pilot) to rectify the calculation process of habitat connectivity. Interactive execution of these Jupyter Notebooks can be done from user machines with stable network connection as its uses REST APIs to fetch new datasets.


README: Readme files includes brief descriptions of each Jupyter Notebook, tool's diagram and installation instructions. All explicit descriptions of input/output data and its requirements are given in the corresponding Notebooks.

Known Issues

All issues are currently being gathered from separate blocks of this tool, but the most notorious are listed in the [Issues section] of the parent repo within the AD4GD project (


There is no specific installation required, but user is expected to run Jupyter Notebooks through a Docker image (see instructions in README). This prevents potential issues with applying some of the libraries used by this tool, especially GDAL.


See the detailed description here.


Thanks everyone who contributed to this release: