unsafe_bst's main functionality is a library that can create and maintain a binary search tree.
The library has declarations for a BST module, a Node module, and a Stat module.
The BST module contains a BinTree struct contains 3 fields:
struct BinTree{
pub root: crate::nodes::Node,
pub left: Option<Box<BinTree>>,
pub right: Option<Box<BinTree>>,
The BinTree struct has a default implication:
let binary_tree = binary_tree::BinTree{..Default::default()};
assert_eq!(binary_tree.root.val, -1);
BinTree's default is a root node of -1, and None for a left and right tree.
BinTree also has default functions built into the library\
This function adds a node to the tree, if the node is not already in the tree
This function returns true if the inputted key is in the tree, else returns false
Prints out the tree in the form
right root left
for the entire tree.
For the best results, spacing should be 0
Deletes a key from a tree, if the key exists in the tree
Note: Delete uses GOTO functionality to get through the tree (via enum)
Returns self as a balanced binary tree
Nodes Module has a struct Node that has the form
struct Node{
val: i64,
Node does not have a default implication but has 1 function
Prints the value of self.val, the key of the Node
This will print a tree with a root of 13, right value of 15, and left value of 11
And it will look like this:
11 13 15
let mut b_t = unsafe_bst::binary_tree::BinTree{..Default::default()};
b_t.add_node(unsafe_bst::nodes::Node{val: 13});
b_t.add_node(unsafe_bst::nodes::Node{val: 15});
b_t.add_node(unsafe_bst::nodes::Node{val: 11});
v0.3.2 - Added height() function in beta
v0.3.1 - Made delete safer, not 100% safe, added tests to lib.rs
v0.3.0 - Started to make code safer: removed unsafe calls in every function other than delete
v0.2.2 - Fixed delete (at least, all seen errors)
v0.2.1 - fixed balance so that is properly functions
v0.2.0 - renamed crate to "unsafe-bst"
v0.1.0 - Created Crate under name "the_one"