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An Ani-cli wrapper for queuing & batch downloading multiple different anime.


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An Ani-cli wrapper written in BASH to simplify batch downloading multiple anime / seasons of the same anime


This script is just a wrapper for the ani-cli application developed by pystardust. You need to have the original ani-cli application installed to use this. Find it here


If you are on Windows, set up WSL and install this script inside it. (It's just a toggle in the settings app or you can open a command prompt window and use wsl --install)

  1. Install the dependencies

    • Head to pystardust's ani-cli github and install it for your os (install the linux version on wsl if you are using Windows).
    • Install git (optional) (only if you want to use the ani-cli-batch-update feature to update the script)
  2. Clone this repository locally

     git clone
  3. Modify the shebang if you are on termux (see instructions below)

  4. Give the scripts appropriate permissions

    chmod +x ani-cli-batch/ani-cli-*
  5. Add the scripts to your PATH (modify this command accordingly if on termux (see instructions below))

     sudo mv ./ani-cli-batch/ani-cli-* /usr/local/bin/
  6. Clean up the downloaded files

     rm -rf ./ani-cli-batch

Instructions for termux users


If you want to run this script on your android phone using termux, you will have to modify the shebang in the ani-cli-batch script. You can do that by opening the script using a text editor such as nano or vim and changing the first line to #!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash or you can run this command

  sed -i s_\#\!\/usr\/bin\/env\ bash_\#\!\/data\/data\/com.termux\/files\/usr\/bin\/bash_g ./ani-cli-batch/ani-cli-batch


Add the scripts to your PATH.

  • If you have a custom directory for your executables, simply move the ani-cli-batch script to that directory

  • If you do not have any such directory, just execute this command

      mv ./ani-cli-batch/ani-cli-batch /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin

WARNING: Do not use the ani-cli-batch-update command on your phone as it is not yet configured to run on termux. You can use the rest of the script normally


Execute the script from a terminal and you'll be greeted with a query asking you what you want to download.


Once you answer it, the script will run ani-cli to search for your anime. After ani-cli finishes searching, it'll present you with a list of anime it found matching your search query.


Instead, remember the position of your show in the list and exit the search results screen by sending a kill signal by pressing ctrl and c together. You can also exit by typing exit or any other option that is not listed as a search result into ani-cli's textbox. Yes, I want you to crash the ani-cli script by entering an invalid choice.

The script will ask you to choose the correct selection in the next step. Type in the position / serial number of your anime from the previous screen.

Follow the on-screen instructions and you will have added your anime to the download queue.


On Linux

  sudo rm /usr/local/bin/ani-cli-batc*

On Android Remove the script from your PATH if you have added them into a custom folder in your PATH. If you followed this guide, then:

  rm /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/ani-cli-batch

You can also run which ani-cli-batch to see where the files are located and just delete them.

This is my first bash program. I know it isn't beautiful and the code requires better documentation but I wrote this for myself after watching 2 videos about bash scripting on youtube and then decided to share it online.

Disclaimer: This software is in no way officially affiliated with ani-cli. It wasn't made by the developers of ani-cli either.