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Combo is a simple parser combinator library for Ocaml providing common parsers and combinators. It is highly inspired by this paper with a few changes to integrate better with Ocaml and ideas taken from other libraries. It is named combo because it is based on COMBinig COMBinators in Ocaml.


Here is a simple calculator described in the paper:

open Combo
open Fun

let positive = int_of_string <$> (inplode <$> many1 digit)
let int = opt id (( * ) (-1) <$ char '-') <*> positive 

let op (f, s) = spaces *> (f <$ word s) <* spaces
let anyop l = choice ( op l)
let addops = anyop [(+), "+"; (-), "-"]
let mulops = anyop [( * ), "*"]
let rec expr s =
  List.fold_right chainl1 [addops; mulops] (int <|> packs "(" expr ")")  s

let () =
  let s = read_line () in
  match expr (explode s) with
    None -> print_endline "ERROR: bad expression." 
  | Some (n, _) -> print_int n

More examples can be found in the example directory (note: the JSON example needs this ppx).


Combo is not yet in opam, so it needs dune to be installed, assuming you are on a Unix like operating system, you can do:

git clone
cd combo/src
dune build ./combo.a
dune install

Documentation (extracted from the mli file)


explode s turns the string s into a list of characters.

val explode : string -> char list

inplode l turns the list of characters l into a string.

val inplode : char list -> string

parser is the type of parsers.

type ('a, 'b) parser = 'a list -> ('b * 'a list) option

Basic combinators

return a is a basic combinator that always succeeds returning the value a.

val return : 'a -> ('s, 'a) parser

fail is a basic combinator which always fails.

val fail: ('s, 'a) parser

p <*> q is the sequence combinator appliying the result of parser p to the parser q.

val ( <*> ) : ('s, 'b -> 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser

p <**> q is the sequence combinator applying the result of parser q to the parser p, it is the same as <*> but in the other way.

val ( <**> ) : ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'b -> 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser

<??> is the reverse sequencing operator but which doesn’t modify the first result if the second one failed.

val ( <??> ) : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a -> 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser

Sequence monad.

val ( >>= ) : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('a -> ('s, 'b) parser) -> ('s, 'b) parser

p <|> q is the choice combinator trying the parser p, if it works, returns the result, else return the result of the parser q.

val ( <|> ) : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser

f <$> p is the map combinator applying the function f the witness returned by the parser p, if he succeeds.

val ( <$> ) : ('b -> 'a) -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser

p <&> f is the flipped map combinator applying the function f the witness returned by the parser p, if he succeeds.

val ( <&> ) : ('b -> 'a) -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser

f <$ p is the map combinator ignoring the value returned by the parser p.

val ( <$ ) : 'a -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser

p $> f is the reverse map combinator ignoring the value returned by the parser p.

val ( $> ) : ('s, 'a) parser -> 'b -> ('s, 'b) parser

p *> q is the sequence combinator but ignores value returned by the parser p, it’s the missing bracket.

val ( *> ) : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser

p <* q is the sequence combinator but ignores value returned by the parser q, it’s the missing bracket.

val ( <* ) : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser

p <?> err is the error combinator raising the error err if the parser p failed.

val( <?> ) : ('s, 'a) parser -> exn -> ('s, 'a) parser

choice l is a combinator that turns the list of parser l into a single one which will match one of them.

val choice : ('s, 'a) parser list -> ('s, 'a) parser

seq l is a combinator that turns a list of parser l into a single one which will match all of them and return the result in a list.

val seq : ('s, 'a) parser list -> ('s, 'a list) parser

between open p close parses the parser open, then p and close and returns the value of p.

val between : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'c) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser

sepBy sep p is a parser that parses 0 or more times the parser p separated by the parser sep.

val sepBy : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'b list) parser

sepBy1 sep p is a parser that parses 1 or more times the parser p separated by the parser sep.

val sepBy1 : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'b list) parser

endBy sep p is a parser that parses 0 or more times the parser p separated and ended by the parser sep.

val endBy : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'b list) parser

endBy1 sep p is a parser that parses 1 or more times the parser p separated and ended by the parser sep.

val endBy1 : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'b list) parser

sepEndBy sep p is a parser that parses 0 or more times the parser p separated and optionally ended by the parser sep.

val seEndpBy : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'b list) parser

sepEndBy1 sep p is a parser that parses 1 or more times the parser p separated and optionally ended by the parser sep.

val sepEndBy1 : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser -> ('s, 'b list) parser

Lazy Combinators

Lazy combinators are really useful for some recursive combinators that may cause a stack overflow otherwise.

p <*>| q is the lazy sequence combinator appliying the result of parser p to the parser q, but only evaluating the parser q if p worked.

val ( <*>| ) : ('s, 'b -> 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser lazy_t -> ('s, 'a) parser

p <|>| q is the lazy choice combinator trying the parser p, if it works, returns the result, else evaluate the parser q and returns it result.

val ( <|>| ) : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser lazy_t -> ('s, 'a) parser

p *>| q is the lazy sequence combinator but ignores value returned by the parser p, it’s the missing bracket. The parser q is evaluated only if p succeeded.

val( *>| ) : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser lazy_t -> ('s, 'b) parser

p <*| q is the sequence combinator but ignores value returned by the parser q, it’s the missing bracket. The parser q is evaluated only if p succeeded.

val( <*| ) : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'b) parser lazy_t -> ('s, 'a) parser

Basic parsers

satisfyp is a parser that matches an element satisfying the predicate p.

val satisfy: ('a -> bool) -> ('a, 'a) parser

any is a parser that matches anything.

val any : ('a, 'a) parser

opt default p is parser that runs the parser p and if it succeeds return the result, else, it returns the default value given.

val opt : 'a -> ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser

many p is a parser that runs the parser p 0 or more times and returns all the obtained results in a list.

val many : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a list) parser

many1 p is a parser that runs the parser p 1 or more times and returns all the obtained results in a list.

val many1 : ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a list) parser

chainl1 op p is a parser that parses the operand p, as left-associative, separated by the separator op, one or more times.

val chainl1 : ('s, 'a -> 'a -> 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser

chainl op p default is a parser that parses the operand p, as left-associative, separated by the separator op, if it failed, returns the value default.

val chainl : ('s, 'a -> 'a -> 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser -> 'a -> ('s, 'a) parser

chainr1 op p is a parser that parses the operand p, as right-associative, separated by the separator op, one or more times.

val chainr1 : ('s, 'a -> 'a -> 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser

chainr op p default is a parser that parses the operand p, as right-associative, separated by the separator op, if it failed, returns the value default.

val chainr : ('s, 'a -> 'a -> 'a) parser -> ('s, 'a) parser -> 'a -> ('s, 'a) parser

sym s is a parser that matches the symbol s.

val sym : 'a -> ('a, 'a) parser

syms s is a parser that matches the list of symbol s.

val syms : 'a list -> ('a, 'a list) parser

char c is a parser that matches the character c.

val char : char -> (char, char) parser

word w is a parser that matches the string w.

val word : string -> (char, char list) parser

range l r is a parser that matches a character between the characters l and r included.

val range : char -> char -> (char, char) parser

lower is a parser that matches a lowercase character

val lower : (char, char) parser

upper is a parser that matches an uppercase character

val upper : (char, char) parser

letter is a parser that matches an alphabet character.

val letter : (char, char) parser

digit is a parser that matches a digit.

val digit : (char, char) parser

alphaNum is a parser that matches a letter or a digit.

val alphaNum : (char, char) parser

octDigit is a parser that matches an octal digit.

val octDigit : (char, char) parser

hexDigit is a parser that matches a hexadecimal digit.

val octDigit : (char, char) parser

space is a parser that matches a space.

val space : (char, char) parser

spaces is a parser that matches 0 or more spaces.

val spaces : (char, char list) parser

newline is a parser that matches a newline character.

val newline : (char, char) parser

tab is a parser that matches a tab character.

val tab : (char, char) parser

pack l p r is a parser that matches the parser p between the symbols l and r.

val pack : 's list -> ('s, 'a) parser -> 's list -> ('s, 'a) parser

packs l p r is a parser that matches the parser p between the strings l and r.

val packs : string -> (char, 'a) parser -> string -> (char, 'a) parser

oneOf l is a parser that matches a symbol from the list l.

val oneOf : 'a list -> ('a, 'a) parser