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A toy example that showcases a problem with Visual C++ linker when template specialization meets __declspec(dllimport).


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Visual Studio linker issue: when __declspec(dllimport) meets template class

A toy sample that showcases an issue with Visual Studio linker which I'm failing to explain.

From first look this issue might seem relevant old bug in VS2010 (see on StackOverflow). But the error is different: no "unresolved external symbol", but "already defined" instead.

Problem description

This problem has been discovered in a large Visual Studio solution (~200 projects) that belongs to a proprietary code base.

I've been developing a (yet another) small library for exception handling, and during its integration I've noticed that it's causing a strange linker error. Luckily, I've found a simple workaround (see below). But the question about the root cause remained. So the follow-up was:

  1. I trimmed down the initial 'behemoth' solution into 3 projects, each with just several files.
  2. Then I managed to reproduced the same issue in a solution created from scratch.
  3. Then I've got the same result once I converted the solution and the projects to the latest Visual Studio.

The resulting repro-case is expressed by this repository.

Essence of the problem

Assume we have 3 DLL's: A_SDK, B_Utils and C_Client.

(UPDATE: they don't have to be DLL's, what matters is using declspec(dllimport), see)

UPDATE 2: Actually, 2 DLL's is enough to expose the same problem in Debug x64. See LinkerIssue_VS2017_trimmed.sln. This new minimalistic solution contains of 2 projects, 5 source files. For details, check this StackOverflow answer.

These 3 projects form the following dependency graph:

  • B_Utils --> A_SDK
  • C_Client --> B_Utils, A_SDK

A_SDK defines a template class and a template or inline utility function that may throw an exception being the instantiation of that template

template<typename T>
class ExceptionBase;


#include "ExceptionBase.h"
inline void foo()
    // Usage of throw_with_nested is important here

B_Utils defines its own error class

#include "ExceptionBase.h"

// Standard way to export the class to the clients of DLL.
#if defined(B_EXPORTS)  // B_EXPORTS is defined only during compilation of B_Utils
#define _B_UTILS_EXPORTS_CLASS      __declspec(dllexport)
#define _B_UTILS_EXPORTS_CLASS      __declspec(dllimport)

struct _B_UTILS_EXPORTS_CLASS Error : public ExceptionBase<std::runtime_error>
{ Error(std::string&& s); } // ctor definition is in *.cpp file

C_Client includes headers from both A_SDK and B_Utils, exactly like in the sample below. And then the build fails.

#include "A_SDK/foo.h"
#include "B_Utils/Error.h"      // !!! Comment this line --> Build succeeds
void TranslationUnit_1() { 
  foo();                        // !!! Comment this line --> Build succeeds
#include "A_SDK/foo.h"
void TranslationUnit_2() {
  foo();                        // !!! Comment this line --> Build succeeds

Note the problem persists only as long as all of the conditions listed above are satisfied:

  1. 3 projects A,B,C with dependencies like described above, B->A, C->B, C->A;
  2. template class in project A, instantiated within the header in that project;
  3. DLL-exported class in project B which inherits from the same intantiation of template class from A;
  4. project C with TWO tranlation units, at least one of them includes both 2) and 3)

Repository contents

Repository contains 2 solutions and 2 sets of projects, one for VS2013, and another for VS2017. The names of the project files for VS2013 are: A_SDK.vcxproj, B_Utils.vcxproj, C_Client.vcxproj. Those for VS2017 have postfix "_2017". The contents of the .vcxproj files are identical, apart from the target Visual Studio version.

Solutions were tested on:

  • '2013' - Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Professional Update 4.
  • '2017' - Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community, version 15.2 (26430.12).

Each of the projects uses precompiled headers, defined in A_SDK/Common/Common.h

Project files are trimmed to the bare minimum, so only a single configuration (Release x64) is enabled. Other configurations may be re-enabled if needed, they produce the same result.

Only necessary files are left in each project. For instance, C_Client contains only 2. The names are self-describing.

Small technical detail: since my error handling library uses std::nested_exception, which is not implemented in VS2013, I use copy-pasted implementation from VS2017 header to make it compile by VS2013.

When exploring the repository, pay attention to comments like this one:

// !!! Comment this line --> Build succeeds


3>B_Utils.lib(B_Utils.dll) : error LNK2005: "public: __cdecl ExceptionBase<class std::runtime_error>::ExceptionBase<class std::runtime_error>(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const &)" (??0?$ExceptionBase@Vruntime_error@std@@@@QEAA@AEBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z) already defined in TranslationUnit_2.obj
3>B_Utils.lib(B_Utils.dll) : error LNK2005: "public: virtual __cdecl ExceptionBase<class std::runtime_error>::~ExceptionBase<class std::runtime_error>(void)" (??1?$ExceptionBase@Vruntime_error@std@@@@UEAA@XZ) already defined in TranslationUnit_2.obj
3>B_Utils.lib(B_Utils.dll) : error LNK2005: "public: __cdecl ExceptionBase<class std::runtime_error>::ExceptionBase<class std::runtime_error>(class ExceptionBase<class std::runtime_error> const &)" (??0?$ExceptionBase@Vruntime_error@std@@@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z) already defined in TranslationUnit_2.obj
3>D:\tmp\SDK-590\x64\Release\C_Client.dll : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found

Steps to reproduce

  • Clone the repository or download it.
  • Open the solution - either for Visual Studio 2013 or 2017.
  • Build solution.


Once I changed

struct _B_UTILS_EXPORTS_CLASS Error : public ExceptionBase<std::runtime_error>
{ Error(std::string&& s); } 


struct Error : public ExceptionBase<std::runtime_error>
{ _B_UTILS_EXPORTS_FUN Error(std::string&& s); } // ctor definition is in *.cpp file

the build is fine, and I'm still able to use B_Utils::Error class in its clients. This was sufficient for my needs. However, if this class were more complex, I would have to mark each of its public methods with _B_UTILS_EXPORTS_CLASS, which doesn't really look like a proper solution.


My working hypothesis is the following. When I export the whole type via

struct _B_UTILS_EXPORTS_CLASS Error : public ExceptionBase<std::runtime_error>

the template instantiation ExceptionBasestd::runtime_error gets exported too.

In the latter case, when I only export ctor:


the template instantiation is not exported, hence the linker sees only one symbol in C_Client. What I don't understand: why isn't it able to merge the symbols in the former case? Just like it happens e.g. for static libraries.


Posted questions:


A toy example that showcases a problem with Visual C++ linker when template specialization meets __declspec(dllimport).








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