JS Fullstack. This repository shows the source code of a ternary plot diagram analysis tool. Compare german fidget current (Zappelstrom) over the years and with other countries. Data sets are pulled from german Fraunhofer Institut Api https://api.energy-charts.info and stored locally in the browsers inbuild IndexedDB. Visit the Fraunhofer Institut web site https://energy-charts.info/
Node.js download (all browser): https://www.npmjs.com/package/prokif
FireFox Android/PC Add-on: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/prokif/
ReadTheDocs (Python based): https://prokif.readthedocs.io/en/latest/README.html
- Is trade data for 2024 interpreted before uploaded to database?
A YouTube video from energieinfo https://www.youtube.com/@energieinfo21 channel shared ternary plot diagrams to explain energy production in Germany. Shown as the ratios of three production types positioned in an equilateral triangle.
The video is presented in german language, activate auto-translation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5jSOHP5VQw&t=205s
I decided to learn how ternary plot diagrams work in detail and automated the process of data visualization. Now everyone can compare energy production strategies within Europe between different countries or years.
This application could provide additional interesting information to energy day traders, if further developed. (forecasts based on over the years patterns and trade volumes)
Use the FireFox Add-on manager to locate prokif
Remove the Add-on. All downloaded data are lost then
Install the latest Node.js interpreter software so you can run JavaScript directly on your OS.
Install this package global to get the executable prokif
foobar:~$ npm install prokif -g
Install this package global from the developer source repository on GitHub.
foobar:~$ npm install git+https://github.com/44xtc44/prokif.git -g
Why install with global flag? The npm manager will create a binary file in its directory for your OS which automatically launches the package if you type prokif. Else you must cd /node_modules/prokif and run the node index.js manually.
Start the package. You will see a Frontend (browser) and Backend (express server).
Local HTTP express server provides the browser page and is proxy for the external database request to german Fraunhofer Institut API.
Server listens on http://localhost:8001. You can connect every browser to this local address. As long as server is up and running. This server component is not needed nor used in the Browser Add-on.
Start the package auto executable.
foobar:~$ prokif
server on 8001
The local start from inside the package directory. Scenario; download connection shows an error, no data is received.
foobar:~$ cd node_modules/prokif foobar:~$ node index.js
server on 8001
url: Denmark 2015 https://api.energy-charts.info/public_power?country=dk&start=2015-01-01&end=2015-12-31
url: Azerbaijan 2015 https://api.energy-charts.info/public_power?country=az&start=2015-01-01&end=2015-12-31 ->error Azerbaijan 2015 No data for https://api.energy-charts.info/public_power?country=az&start=2015-01-01&end=2015-12-31
foobar:~$ npm uninstall prokif -g
check the location and removal
foobar:~$ npm list -g
The Browser extension, NPM package will connect to german Fraunhofer Institut to download JSON data files api.energy-charts.info.
Open an issue at the GitHub repo to request additional energy API or pulling from german energy ministry original database.
JSON is parsed, column names are cleaned for storage in browsers IndexedDB database. You can download data for a whole year per country. Open an issue at the GitHub repo to request more granually downloads. PC user can hit F12 to visit their data (FireFox 'web storage', Chrome 'Application' - IndexedDB).
All data are permanently stored in the browser's IndexedDB. Until browser cache clean-up.
User setting are stored also in the IndexedDB to survive HTML page reloads and browser closings.
Select up to 10 countries or 10 years within a country to compare production behaviour.
The diagram is an SVG image on canvas with an overlay of calculated triangle boundaries. The data is preconfigured to match one of three categories. The proportion of the categories is displayed.
Trade volumes are displayed in the same manner. So you can use the data only for countries with higher volatility in production processes. Open an issue at the GitHub repo to request more granually display for all countries.
Clone repo from GitHub. Go to it, install node.js and activate npm, red from package.json.
foobar:~$ npm install
FireFox 'about:debugging', and 'this FireFox' select a new temporary Add-on.
Open the manifest.json in the cloned folder and then start the Add-on from the puzzle icon list.
Clone repo from GitHub. Go to it, install node.js and activate npm, red from package.json.
foobar:~$ npm install
Install 'web-ext' "https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/develop/developing-extensions-for-firefox-for-android/".
Install Android Studio latest and create a dummy project. The device manager is needed to run a Android Virtual Device (AVD).
You then want to download the FireFox apk file and drag it onto the AVD. Search "Firefox Nightly for Developers". If you find 'APKmirror' save, go there. Else use the registration process to enable PlayStore to pull FireFox Nightly, into every AVD.
NOTE: Deinstall FireFox 'regular' version, if any.
Open a terminal in the root of the repo clone, to load the Add-on into the AVD via USB.
@lab42$ adb devices -l List of devices attached emulator-5554 offline
@lab42$ web-ext run --target=firefox-android --android-device emulator-5554 --firefox-apk org.mozilla.fenix
The AVD and FireFox Nightly must be USB enabled (Dev mode) then.
Drag some media files into 'Device Explorer' in 'Android Studio'. Use 'mnt/sdcard/Music', to see it in user view on AVD.
Pull requests are welcome. If you want to make a major change, open an issue first to have a short discuss.
energieinfo https://www.youtube.com/@energieinfo21
Apache 2.0 License