[CI] Remove invalid rule in Makefile #8810
10 errors and 1 warning
Run PHPStan:
Strict comparison using !== between non-falsy-string and null will always evaluate to true.
Run PHPStan:
Ignored error pattern #^Comparison operation "\=\=" between 0\|0\.0\|''\|'0'\|array\{\}\|false\|null and 0 results in an error\.$# in path /home/runner/work/lizmap-web-client/lizmap-web-client/lizmap/modules/dataviz/classes/datavizPlot.class.php was not matched in reported errors.
Run PHPStan:
Call to function array_key_exists() with 'xaxis' and array{showlegend: mixed, legend: array{orientation: 'h', x: '-0.1', y: '-5'|'1.15'}, autosize: true, plot_bgcolor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', paper_bgcolor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', margin: array{t: 10, b: 30, l: 30, r: 30, pad: 1}, xaxis: array{tickfont: array{size: 10}, automargin: true}, yaxis: array{tickfont: array{size: 10}, automargin: true}, ...} will always evaluate to true.
Run PHPStan:
Call to function array_key_exists() with 'yaxis' and array{showlegend: mixed, legend: array{orientation: 'h', x: '-0.1', y: '-5'|'1.15'}, autosize: true, plot_bgcolor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', paper_bgcolor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', margin: array{t: 10, b: 30, l: 30, r: 30, pad: 1}, xaxis: array{tickfont: array{size: 10}, automargin: true, title?: string}, yaxis: array{tickfont: array{size: 10}, automargin: true}, ...} will always evaluate to true.
Run PHPStan:
Comparison operation ">" between 1 and 0 is always true.
Run PHPStan:
Comparison operation "==" between 0|0.0|''|array{}|false|null and 0 results in an error.
Run PHPStan:
PHPDoc tag @var has invalid value (Log\Config;): Unexpected token ";", expected TOKEN_HORIZONTAL_WS at offset 26 on line 2
Run PHPStan:
Property lizmapServices::$metricsEnabled (bool|int) is never assigned int so it can be removed from the property type.
Run PHPStan:
Comparison operation "<" between 2 and 2 is always false.
Run PHPStan:
Loose comparison using == between 2 and 2 will always evaluate to true.
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/10636