'langil' is a C++ code that integrates stochastic trajectories of different interacting molecular species using the Gillespie algorithm or a continuous stochastic differential equation description.
- langil.cpp Definition of the
class containing the main integration routines. Particular description of its usage can be found for the HIV example - langil.h Headers for the
class and definition of thereaction
class defining the different types of reactions that can be used bylangil
- species.h Definition of the
class that contains the different types of the molecular species used bylangil
- cell_cycle.h Definition of the
class used to incorporate cell cycle properties (cell cycle phases of different stochastic duration including material division at bipartition). Examples using it can be found in the CellCycleVariability example - examples Folder containing different projects using the
There is an example Makefile provided to compile the code, to compile the langil
class run
To compile the code and the examples provided run
make examples
To clean all the object files run
make clean
- HIV Example for a simple model of HIV cell population infection. It contains a detailed description of the use of the
class - Cell Cycle Variability Code used in R. Perez-Carrasco, C. Beentjes, R. Grima, Effects of cell cycle variability on lineage and population measurements of mRNA abundance. JRS Interface 17:168 (2020) to simulate mRNA abundance in cells with a stochastic cell cycle duration
uses the random number generation routines of the GNU Scientific Library.
- Ruben Perez-Carrasco - 2piruben
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details