Integrating and inferring parameters from the synthtetic bistable switch described in the paper Controlling spatiotemporal pattern formation in a concentration gradient with a synthetic toggle switch. I. Barbier, R. Perez-Carrasco, Y. Schaerli. BioRxiv (2019).
- Integration, analysis and plotting of the differential equations of the BS dynamical system.
- Inference of the parameters given Flow Cytometry data.
- Definition of spatial grid to implement spatial diffusion
- Import of the summarised flow data into a pandas dataframe
- Definition of the color palettes used
All the dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. The only nonstandard dependendcy is the PyDream MCMC
pip install pydream
- Ruben Perez-Carrasco - 2piruben
See also the list of contributors to the main manuscript
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details