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Tender is a general-purpose programming language specially designed for image processing, 2D graphics, scripting, and more! Here is a quick tutorial. Also check the docs!


Tender compiles into bytecode and executes on a stack-based virtual machine (VM) written in native Golang.


Supported Standard Library

  • math: Mathematical constants and functions
  • cmplx: Functions for complex numbers
  • os: Platform-independent interface to OS functionality
  • strings: String conversion, manipulation, and regular expressions
  • times: Time-related functions
  • rand: Random number generation
  • fmt: Formatting functions
  • json: JSON handling functions
  • base64: Base64 encoding and decoding
  • hex: Hexadecimal encoding and decoding
  • colors: Functions to print colored text to the terminal
  • gzip: Gzip compression and decompression
  • zip: ZIP archive manipulation
  • tar: TAR archive creation and reading
  • bufio: Buffered I/O functions
  • crypto: Cryptographic functions
  • path: File path manipulation
  • image: Image manipulation
  • canvas: Drawing functions for canvases
  • dll: Dynamic link library interactions
  • io: Input and output functions
  • audio: Audio processing
  • net: Networking functions
  • http: HTTP client and server utilities
  • websocket: WebSocket communication utilities
  • gob: Gob Encoding/Ddecoding
  • csv: CSV Encoding/Ddecoding

Quick Start

  1. Install Tender on your machine.
  2. Copy the sample code below:
// Basic example
str1 := "hello"
str2 := "world"

println(str1 + " " + str2)
// Canvas drawing example (similar to JS Canvas)
import "canvas"
var ctx = canvas.new_context(100, 100)
ctx.hex("#0f0")          // Set color to green
ctx.dash(4, 2)           // Define dashed stroke
ctx.rect(25, 25, 50, 50) // Draw a rectangle

ctx.save_png("out.png")  // Save output as PNG
  1. Save your code as (use the .td extension).
  2. Run your script using the following command:


Using Go

  1. Install the latest version of Go.
  2. Run the following command to install:
go install

Manual Installation (Windows)

Precompiled binaries are available. Download them from the release tags.


Check the docs!


Explore various examples demonstrating Tender’s features in the examples directory.


Tender uses the following dependencies:

Syntax Highlighting

Syntax highlighting is currently available only for Notepad++. Download the configuration file here.


Tender is distributed under the MIT License, with additional licenses provided for third-party dependencies. See LICENSE_GOLANG and LICENSE_TENGO for more information.


Tender is written in Go, based on Tengo. We extend our gratitude to the contributors of Tengo for their valuable work.