Tender is a general-purpose programming language specially designed for image processing, 2D graphics, scripting, and more! Here is a quick tutorial. Also check the docs!
Tender compiles into bytecode and executes on a stack-based virtual machine (VM) written in native Golang.
- Simple and highly readable syntax
- Compiles to bytecode
- Supports rich built-in functions
- Includes an extensive standard library
- Optimized for 2D graphics
- math: Mathematical constants and functions
- cmplx: Functions for complex numbers
- os: Platform-independent interface to OS functionality
- strings: String conversion, manipulation, and regular expressions
- times: Time-related functions
- rand: Random number generation
- fmt: Formatting functions
- json: JSON handling functions
- base64: Base64 encoding and decoding
- hex: Hexadecimal encoding and decoding
- colors: Functions to print colored text to the terminal
- gzip: Gzip compression and decompression
- zip: ZIP archive manipulation
- tar: TAR archive creation and reading
- bufio: Buffered I/O functions
- crypto: Cryptographic functions
- path: File path manipulation
- image: Image manipulation
- canvas: Drawing functions for canvases
- dll: Dynamic link library interactions
- io: Input and output functions
- audio: Audio processing
- net: Networking functions
- http: HTTP client and server utilities
- websocket: WebSocket communication utilities
- gob: Gob Encoding/Ddecoding
- csv: CSV Encoding/Ddecoding
- Install Tender on your machine.
- Copy the sample code below:
// Basic example
str1 := "hello"
str2 := "world"
println(str1 + " " + str2)
// Canvas drawing example (similar to JS Canvas)
import "canvas"
var ctx = canvas.new_context(100, 100)
ctx.hex("#0f0") // Set color to green
ctx.dash(4, 2) // Define dashed stroke
ctx.rect(25, 25, 50, 50) // Draw a rectangle
ctx.save_png("out.png") // Save output as PNG
- Save your code as
(use the.td
extension). - Run your script using the following command:
tender hello.td
- Install the latest version of Go.
- Run the following command to install:
go install github.com/2dprototype/tender/cli/tender@latest
Precompiled binaries are available. Download them from the release tags.
Check the docs!
Explore various examples demonstrating Tender’s features in the examples directory.
Tender uses the following dependencies:
Syntax highlighting is currently available only for Notepad++. Download the configuration file here.
Tender is distributed under the MIT License, with additional licenses provided for third-party dependencies. See LICENSE_GOLANG and LICENSE_TENGO for more information.
Tender is written in Go, based on Tengo. We extend our gratitude to the contributors of Tengo for their valuable work.