Under supervision of Dr. Maryam Amirmazlaghani
- Solve optimization problem using
library - Minimize
Quadratic Functions
Unconstrained optimization algorithms
- Find a
decent direction
- Steepest Decent
- Newton
- BFGS (a Quasi-Newton method)
- Find a step length that satisfies
wolfe conditions
- Backtracking Line Search
- Find a
- Construct a model function as
ƒk + pT∇ƒk + 0.5 pTBkp
by choosing a matrix as Bk- Hessian Matrix
- Solve the constrained subproblem and find a step
- Cauchy Point
- Dogleg
- Construct a model function as
Unconstrained optimization algorithms
Solving large linear systems of equations: Ax = b
or minx 0.5 xTAx - bTx
Constrained optimization algorithms
Solving inequality constrained minimization: minx 0.5 xTAx - bTx s.t. Px ≼ q
- Log Barrier
- Solving an equality constrained minimization using Newton method on each iteration
- Primal Dual Interior Point