This project aims to mimic the delay of replication between master and replica databases in cloud infrastructure (or elsewhere).
The repo has a few parts:
- docker-compose.yaml: Creates the Postgres Master and Read Replica
- Replica replicas/ directory: A directory that holds the logic required to allow Django to utilize the replica in tests
- Django Project: Demo of a project configured to use the replica mentioned above
- Django application: An application with tests that test for an expected level of delay
To get things running, follow these steps:
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker exec -it django-read-replicas_master_1 /
$ python test
If you need to specify varying levels of delay, pass a number of milliseconds of delay to the script in the master container. 3000 is the default.
docker exec -it django-read-replicas_master_1 / 5000
If you need to test that replication lag is in fact present, try the script in the root of this repo.
- Explain project settings:
DB_ALIAS_REPLICA_1 = 'replica1'
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': os.environ.get('PGDATABASE') or 'drr',
'USER': os.environ.get('PGUSER') or 'drr_user',
'PASSWORD': os.environ.get('PGPASSWORD') or 'pass',
'HOST': os.environ.get('PGHOST_REPLICA_1') or 'localhost',
'PORT': int(os.environ.get('PGPORT_REPLICA_1') or 5433),
'TEST': {
# Non-standard Django DATABASES > TEST key for use in DRR
'REPLICA': True,
DATABASE_ROUTERS = ['replicas.db.MasterReplicaRouter']
TEST_RUNNER = 'replicas.test.DiscoverRunnerWithReadReplicas'
- Explain how to setup a test like the one in app/ Ie. Explain what the db_wait method does and why.
- Package project for installation from PyPI.
- Write article about this tool and why it was created