JBNU (Winter 2022) - Team(10) Project
For those of you who want to know information about the JBNU, this is a chat bot that can be run by Slack
Need to know information about JBNU while working on a team project with Slack ? Just use this!
- Q & A
- Academic Calendar
- School Cafeteria’s Today Menu with ⭐(Max 3 star)
- Each department’s information
- Simple Calculation
- You can get squared number
- To be added
- /src/bot
- this is bot class files
- greeting.js
- where bot greetings
- square.js
- where bot calculate
- main.js
- where your program starts
**Slack Real Time Messaging**
- node -version : [up 16.x]
- slack workspace & app
- Before start you should create Slack Workspace. In your workspace, make app (to use rtm-api, app should be classic app) guide for making a classic app is here
Clone project
git clone https://github.com/10TeamPro/botProject.git
install npm
npm install
make new folder and file in ./config/bot.json
in bot.json go to your app Bot User token and copy that text starts with ‘xoxb-*’ you can add more private configuration text here
run bot
node src/main.js
If you find some errors or needs improvement Please PR according to the suggested eslint and prettier ( related commit rules are specified in Notion )
Always welcome
- PR welcome
- Issue Welcome