Google Form to GitHub Issue Automation
Non-techies find it hard to work with issues on Github, and having to onboard them makes it more increases friction. A great way to solve this would be a ready made automation that turns Google forms into github issues, with enough configurations for you to select which project the issue goes to, tags, etc. based on the form.
It automates turning a Google Form into GitHub issues.
It saves time and it reduces friction. It's easier to report bugs, or to send new improvement proposals.
It turns Google Forms submissions into GitHub issues.
Impact - who benefits and how?
- People who uses Github: Engineers, Devolepers from a Project.
- People who would like to report bugs on an Website, or an App but are not familiar to Github or wouldn't like to go through the hassle of creating an user acccount on Github to send their comments or suggestions.
"As-is" most likely something manual but could be partially automated This is still under the ideation process. We still need to figure out how to build it.
The “To-be” state
- Do research on what's the best solution to connect Google to Github.
- Use Google's codebase to connect to Github API.
TBD: How to run the automation and any packages or dependencies
- JavaScript
Where is it deployed (e.g. GitHub, Linux Command Line, Windows Command Line etc)
- GitHub
- Google Form
- Any time a user sends a GoogleForm submission from the Website or App.
How much manual or custom input is required?
- The user should write the information on a Google Form.
What's the expected result? After the user submits the Google Form, a new issue is created on Github.