My Little Brother Shared me some ideas.Then i create this tool.
- Insatall Termux from Google Play Store
Open Termux then type
and it maybe now python 3.7x version.
* pkg install python
* pip install wget
* pip install requets
* termux-setup-storage (Allow Permission)
* cd storage/shared
* git clone https://github.com/TheKing205/Advance-Grabber.git
* cd Advance-Grabber
* python kill3r.py
* Install python 3.6 from (https://www.python.org/downloads/)
(Set python path for CMD)
* Open CMD
* pip install wget
* pip install requets
* And Run this Script or type in CMD python kill3r.py or python3 kill3r.py
# Kali Linux
* Open Terminal
* pip install wget
* pip install requets
* git clone https://github.com/TheKing205/Advance-Grabber.git
* cd Advance-Grabber
* python kill3r.py