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Scrape employee names from search engine LinkedIn profiles
Hunt for emails and username formats via
Transform names to given username format(s)


usage: [flags]

BridgeKeeper - v1.0.0

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -c COMPANY, --company COMPANY
                        target company to search for LinkedIn profiles
                        (e.g. 'Example Ltd.')

  -n NAMES, --names NAMES
                        string (comma delimited) or file containing names
                        to be converted to usernames (format: 'First (M) Last')

Username Formatting:
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        username format (format identifiers:
                        {first}, {middle}, {last}, {f}, {m}, {l}, [#])

  -a API, --api API API key for email format identification
                        and email scraping

  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        domain name of target company for email
                        format identification and email scraping

  --lower               force usernames to all lower case

  --upper               force usernames to all upper case

Search Engine Configuration:
  --depth DEPTH         number of pages deep to search each search engine
                        (Default: 5)

  --bing-cookies BING_COOKIES
                        string or cookie file for Bing search engine

  --duckduckgo-cookies DUCKDUCKGO_COOKIES
                        string or cookie file for DuckDuckGo search engine

  --google-cookies GOOGLE_COOKIES
                        string or cookie file for Google search engine

  --yahoo-cookies YAHOO_COOKIES
                        string or cookie file for Yahoo search engine

HTTP Configuration:
  --timeout TIMEOUT     HTTP request timeout in seconds
                        (Default: 25 seconds)

  --proxy PROXY         proxy to pass HTTP traffic through: `host:port`

Output Configuration:
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        directory to write output files to
                        (Default: output)

  --version             print the tool version and exit

  --debug               enable debug output

Gather employee names for a company, Example Ltd., and convert each name into an 'flast' username formatted email: --company "Example, Ltd." --format {f}{last} --depth 10 --output example-employees

Gather employee names and email addresses from search engines and --company "Example, Ltd." --domain --api {API_KEY} --depth 10 --output example-employees

Convert an already generated list of names to usernames: --names names.txt --format {f}{last} --output example-employees

Username format examples (BridgeKeeper supports middle names as well as character limited usernames - e.g. only 4 characters of a last name is used):

Name: John Adams Smith
{f}{last}                   > jsmith
{f}{m}.{last}               > ja.smith
{f}{last}[4]    > [email protected]


  • Support scraping against four major search engines: Bing, DuckDuckGo, Google, and Yahoo
    • Note: Bing search engine has been disabled for the time being due to inconsistent results
  • Name parsing to strip LinkedIn titles, certs, prefixes, etc.
  • Search engine blacklist evasion via cookie files
  • Username formatting
    • Name trimming
      • e.g. If a username format has only the first 4 characters of the last name
    • Hyphenated last name handling
    • Duplicate username handling
      • Incrementing numbers appended to duplicate usernames
  • Support scraping:
    • Identification of email format for a specified domain
    • Retrieval of known emails for a specified domain
