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A discord bot for basic moderation, playing music, fetching metadata from IMDb and much more...

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A Linux based system is required to run the bot. Windows users can use WSL.

Create a new bot

  1. Head over to the Discord developer portal and log in.

  2. Click "New Application" and give a name to your new bot/app.

  3. Click on your bot and head over to the "Bot" tab.

  4. In the Bot section click on "Copy", "View Token", or "Reset Token" to get your token and save it to a secure file. DO NOT SHARE YOUR BOT TOKEN.

  5. In the "Privileged Gateway Intents" subsection make sure to enable the following.

    • Server Members Intents
    • Message Content Intents
  6. Click on the "OAuth2" tab.

  7. Go to the "OAuth2 URL Generator" section.

  8. For scope, tick "bot".

  9. For permissions either tick "Administrator" (recommended) or the following.

    • General Permissions
      • Manage Roles
      • Kick Members
      • Ban Members
      • Change Nicknames
      • Manage Nicknames
      • Read Message/View Channels
      • Moderate Members
    • Text Permissions
      • Send Messages
      • Manage Messages
      • Embed Links
      • Attach Files
      • Read Message History
    • Voice Permissions
      • Connect
      • Speak
  10. Scroll down and copy the "Generate URL" and paste it into your browser. It'll ask you to pick a server to invite your bot to.

Installing Dependencies

1. Install the base library

pip install -U

2. For voice support use the following command (For Linux based systems, see step 3)

pip install -U[voice]

3. Following dependencies are required on Linux based systems for voice support

Use the following command on Debian based systems

sudo apt install libffi-dev libnacl-dev python3-dev

4. To play audio from YouTube you must install yt-dlp. You may skip this step.

pip install yt-dlp

NOTE: If these steps do not work please refer to the official documentation

Running the bot

  1. Open and paste your bot token inside the bot.start() method.
await bot.start("your token here")
  1. Execute using the Python interpreter.

You should see an output similar to the one given below. Your bot's status should change to online now.

bot123 has logged in at 2024-07-21 13:33:59.363232
Member Cog Loaded.
Admin Cog Loaded.

Using the bot

The default command prefix is >. You may change it or specify multiple prefixes in

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=[">", "$", "!"], intents=intents)

Available Commands

You can use >help command to get a list of all commands with a brief description for each.

Moderation Commands

Command Description Usage
ban {user} [reason] Bans a given user from the server with an optional reason >ban @user not following rules
unban {username} Unbans a given user using their username given in plaintext >unban username
kick {user} [reason] Kicks a given user from the server with an optional reason >kick @user for being annoying
rename {user} {new name} Changes a user's display name/nickname >rename @user awesome user
whois {user or user id} Shows a user's information such as pfp and creation date >whois @user or 1234567890876542
give {role} {user} Gives a specified role to the given user >give @user @some_role
remove {role} {user} Removes a specified role from the given user >remove @user @some_role
clear {amount} Deletes the specified amount of messages from the channel. Default amount is 1 >clear 7
reboot Reboots the bot and applies new changes. Bot will be offline for a few seconds >reboot

Music Commands

Command Description Usage
ls Lists the filenames in the music directory with their indexes >ls
play {name or index} Plays the specified file from the local filesystem. >play favorite song or 7
yt {name or YouTube url} Plays the specified audio from YouTube >yt home resonance or
pause Pauses the audio playback >pause
resume Resumes the audio playback >resume
stop Stops the audio playback >stop
join To manually have bot join the same voice channel the author is in. >join
disconnect Disconnects the bot from the voice channel >disconnect

Miscellaneous Commands

Command Description Usage
flip Flips a coin >flip
imdb {title or IMDb url/tag} Fetches IMDb metadata for a given movie/show >imdb the matrix or or tt0133093
random {lower bound} {upper bound} Picks a number between the lower and upper bound. Default values are 0 and 100. >random 1 10


A discord bot for basic moderation, playing music, fetching metadata from IMDb and much more...







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