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Broken links, here and there. But the backend works 🤪
Broken links, here and there. But the backend works 🤪



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Hi 👋, I'm 0n1cOn3/h@x

A passionate open-source enthusiast and automator from Europe

If you are an employer in Switzerland (or anywhere else for that matter) who needs someone to mess around with your computers or servers, get in touch with me :-)

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on Several private projects like Nosial, Evolnix, Ufo Linux, The Private Cløud and Self-Hosting in matter of privacy and independence of big orgs and a lot more

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning At the moment On-Hold

  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with people who would like to work with me :)

  • 🤝 I’m looking for help with BGP, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes (k3s/k8s)

  • 👨‍💻 All of my projects are available here on my website

  • 📝 I unregularly write articles on Cybernity Forum

  • 💬 Ask me about anything you would like to ask!

  • 📫 How to reach me Telegram: @h_2_o0

  • 📄 Github Rèsumè: Here available

  • ⚡ Fun fact: Build your house from stone and wood, go in and out peacefully! :D

  • 📀 More about other projects are here and here

Languages and Tools:

bash docker git linux

0n1cOn3's GitHub stats


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