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248 lines (205 loc) · 13.6 KB

File metadata and controls

248 lines (205 loc) · 13.6 KB


  • Updating semantic versioning to be more in line with other semvers. Now version is 13.x.x
  • Added Object notation for Tone.TimeBase and classes that extend it.
    • i.e. Tone.Time({'4n' : 1, '8t' : 2})
    • Replacement for deprecated expression strings.
  • Tone.Meter uses RMS instead of peak (thanks @Idicious)
  • Tone.Sampler supports polyphonic syntax (thanks @zfan40)
  • Building files with webpack
  • Follower/Gate uses a single "smoothing" value instead of separate attacks and releases


  • Consolidating all shims into shim folder
  • Using ConstantSourceNode in Signal when available
  • switching to eslint from jshint
  • Running CI tests on Firefox, Chrome (latest and canary) and Safari (latest and version 9).
  • Tone.Reverb is a convolution-based stereo reverb. Example.
  • Optimizing basic Oscillator types and many Signal use-case
  • Optimizing basic connection use-case of Tone.Signal where one signal is controlling another signal
  • Testing rendered output against an existing audio file for continuity and consistency
  • Optimizing triggerAttack/Release by starting/stopping oscillators when not playing
  • TickSource (used in Clock and Player) tracks the elapsed ticks
    • Improved precision of tracking ticks in Transport and Clock
  • Player.position returns the playback position of the AudioBuffer accounting for any playbackRate changes
  • Removing retrigger option with Tone.Player. Tone.BufferSource should be used if retriggering is desired.


  • Tone.TimeBase and all classes that extend it not longer support string expressions. RATIONALE : * Since all classes implement valueOf, expressions can be composed in JS instead of as strings * e.g. Time('4n') * 2 + Time('3t') instead of Time('4n * 2 + 3t') * this change greatly simplifies the code and is more performant



  • Tone.Context wraps AudioContext
  • Tone.OfflineContext wraps OfflineAudioContext
  • Tone.Offline: method for rendering audio offline
  • Rewriting tests with Tone.Offline
  • Optimizing Tone.Draw to only loop when events are scheduled: #194
  • Time.eval->valueOf which takes advantage of build-in primitive evaluation #205
  • Offline example


  • Tone.Clock performance and lookAhead updates.
  • Tone.Transport.lookAhead = seconds|'playback'|'interactive'|'balanced'
  • Convolver.load and Player.load returns Promise
  • Tone.ExternalInput -> Tone.UserMedia, simplified API, open() returns Promise.
  • Tone.Draw for animation-frame synced drawing
  • Compressor Parameters are now Tone.Params
  • Bug fixes


  • Transport.seconds returns the progress in seconds.
  • Buffer.from/toArray, Float32Array <-> Buffer conversions
  • Buffer.slice(start, end) slices and returns a subsection of the Buffer
  • Source.sync now syncs all subsequent calls to start and stop to the TransportTime instead of the AudioContext time.
    • e.g. source.sync().start(0).stop(0.8); //plays source between 0 and 0.8 of the Transport
  • Transport.on("start" / "stop") callbacks are invoked just before the event.
  • Param can accept an LFO description in the constructor or .value
    • e.g. param.value = {min : 10, max : 20, frequency : 0.4}
  • Time.TimeBase has clone/copy methods.
  • Tone.Buffer.prototype.load returns Promise
  • Using Tone.Delay and Tone.Gain everywhere
  • Patch for Chrome 53+ issue of not correctly scheduling AudioParams with setValueAtTime
  • Panner3D and Tone.Listener wrap native PannerNode and AudioListener to give 3D panning ability.


  • MetalSynth creates metalic, cymbal sounds
  • DrumSynth -> MembraneSynth
  • FMOscillator, AMOscillator types
  • FatOscillator creates multiple oscillators and detunes them slightly
  • FM, AM, Fat Oscillators incorporated into OmniOscillator
  • Simplified FM and AM Synths and APIs
  • Panner.pan is between -1,1 like the StereoPannerNode
  • Pruned away unused (or little used) Signal classes.
    • All this functionality will be available when the AudioWorkerNode is introduced.
  • Clock uses Web Workers instead of requestAnimationFrame which allows it to run in the background.
  • Removed startMobile. Using StartAudioContext in examples.
  • Automated test runner using Travis CI
  • Simplified NoiseSynth by removing filter and filter envelope.
  • Added new timing primitive types: Time, Frequency, TransportTime.
  • Switching parameter position of type and size in Tone.Analyser
  • Tone.Meter uses Tone.Analyser instead of ScriptProcessorNode.
  • Tone.Envelope has 5 new attack/release curves: "sine", "cosine", "bounce", "ripple", "step"
  • Renamed Tone.SimpleSynth -> Tone.Synth
  • Tone.Buffers combines multiple buffers
  • Tone.BufferSource a low-level wrapper, and Tone.MultiPlayer which is good for multisampled instruments.
  • Tone.GrainPlayer: granular synthesis buffer player.
  • Simplified Sampler


  • Removed SimpleFM and SimpleAM


  • Added PitchShift and Vibrato Effect.
  • Added Timeline/TimelineState/TimelineSignal which keeps track of all scheduled state changes.
  • Clock uses requestAnimationFrame instead of ScriptProcessorNode
  • Removed onended event from Tone.Source
  • Refactored tests into individual files.
  • Renamed some Signal methods: exponentialRampToValueNow->exponentialRampToValue, setCurrentValueNow->setRampPoint
  • LFO no longer starts at bottom of cycle. Starts at whatever phase it's set at.
  • Transport is an event emitter. triggers events on "start", "stop", "pause", and "loop".
  • Oscillator accepts a "partials" array.
  • Microphone inherits from ExternalInput which is generalized for different inputs.
  • New scheduling methods on Transport - schedule, scheduleOnce, and scheduleRepeat.
  • Tone.Gain and Tone.Delay classes wrap the native Web Audio nodes.
  • Moved MidiToScore and TypeScript definitions to separate repos.
  • Tone.Param wraps the native AudioParam and allows for unit conversion.
  • Quantization with Transport.quantize and using "@" in any Time. Read more.
  • Control-rate generators for value interpolation, patterns, random numbers, and markov chains.
  • Scheduable musical events: Tone.Event, Tone.Loop, Tone.Part, Tone.Pattern, Tone.Sequence.
  • Player's playbackRate is now a signal and Noise includes a playbackRate signal.
  • All filterEnvelopes use new Tone.FrequencyEnvelope with frequency units and baseFrequency and octaves instead of min and max.
  • Phaser uses "octaves" instead of "depth" to be more consistent across the whole Tone.js API.
  • Presets now have their own repo


  • setTimeout, setInterval, setTimeline in favor of new schedule, scheduleOnce, and scheduleRepeat.
  • Tone.Signal no longer takes an AudioParam in the first argument. Use Tone.Param instead.
  • Tone.Buffer.onload/onprogress/onerror is deprecated. Use Tone.Buffer.on("load", callback) instead.


  • reverse buffer for Player and Sampler.
  • Tone.Volume for simple volume control in Decibels.
  • Panner uses StereoPannerNode when available.
  • AutoFilter and Tremolo effects.
  • Made many attributes read-only. preventing this common type of error: oscillator.frequency = 200 when it should be oscillator.frequency.value = 200.
  • Envelope supports "linear" and "exponential" attack curves.
  • Renamed Tone.EQ -> Tone.EQ3.
  • Tone.DrumSynth makes kick and tom sounds.
  • Tone.MidSideCompressor and Tone.MidSideSplit/Tone.MidSideMerge
  • Tone.Oscillator - can specify the number of partials in the type: i.e. "sine10", "triangle3", "square4", etc.
  • mute/unmute the master output: Tone.Master.mute = true.
  • 3 new simplified synths: SimpleSynth, SimpleAM and SimpleFM
  • harmonicity is a signal-rate value for all instruments.
  • expose Q in Phaser.
  • unit conversions using Tone.Type for signals and LFO.
  • new docs
  • updated examples


  • toFrequency accepts notes by name (i.e. "C4")
  • Envelope no longer accepts exponential scaling, only Tone.ScaledEnvelope
  • Buffer progress and load events which tracks the progress of all downloads
  • Buffer only accepts a single url
  • Sampler accepts multiple samples as an object.
  • setPitch in sampler -> setNote
  • Deprecated MultiSampler - use Sampler with PolySynth instead
  • Added cdn - please don't use for production code
  • Renamed DryWet to CrossFade
  • Functions return this to allow for chaining. i.e. player.toMaster().start(2).
  • Added units to Signal class which allows signals to be set in terms of Tone.Time, Tone.Frequency, Numbers, or Decibels.
  • Replaced set/get method with ES5 dot notation. i.e. player.setVolume(-10) is now player.volume.value = -10. To ramp the volume use either player.volume.linearRampToValueNow(-10, "4n"), or the new rampTo method which automaically selects the ramp (linear|exponential) based on the type of data.
  • set/get methods for all components
  • syncSignal and unsyncSignal moved from Signal to Transport
  • Add/Multiply/Subtract/Min/Max/GreaterThan/LessThan all extend Tone.Signal which allows them to be scheduled and automated just like Tone.Signal.
  • Deprecated Tone.Divide and Tone.Inverse. They were more complicated than they were useful.


The API has been changed consistently to use .attribute for getting and setting instead of getAttribute and setAttribute methods. The reasoning for this is twofold: firstly, Tone.Signal attributes were previously limited in their scheduling capabilities when set through a setter function. For exactly, it was not possible to do a setValueAtTime on the bpm of the Transport. Secondly, the new EcmaScript 5 getter/setter approach resembles the Web Audio API much more closely, which will make intermixing the two APIs even easier.

If you're using Sublime Text, one way to transition from the old API to the new one is with a regex find/replace: find Tone.Transport.setBpm\((\d+)\) and replace it with Tone.Transport.bpm.value = $1.

Or if setBpm was being invoked with a rampTime: find Tone.Transport.setBpm\((\d+)\, (\d+)\) and replace it with Tone.Transport.bpm.rampTo($1, $2).


Core Change:

  • Swing parameter on Transport
  • Player loop positions stay in tempo-relative terms even with tempo changes
  • Envelope ASDR stay in tempo-relative terms even with tempo changes
  • Modified build script to accommodate using requirejs with build and minified version

Signal Processing:

  • Tone.Expr: signal processing expression parser for Tone.Signal math
  • All signal binary operators accept two signals as inputs
  • Deprecated Tone.Threshold - new class Tone.GreaterThanZero
  • NOT, OR, AND, and IfThenElse signal logic operators
  • Additional signal classes: Inverse, Divide, Pow, AudioToGain, Subtract
  • Scale no longer accepts input min/max. Assumes [0,1] range.
  • Normalize class if scaling needs to happen from other input ranges
  • WaveShaper function wraps the WaveShaperNode


  • Distortion and Chebyshev distortion effects
  • Compressor and MultibandCompressor
  • MidSide effect type and StereoWidener
  • Convolver effect and example


  • Setters on PluckSynth and PulseOscillator
  • new PWMOscillator
  • OmniOscillator which combines PWMOscillator, Oscillator, and PulseOscillator into one
  • NoiseSynth


  • PluckSynth - Karplus-Strong Plucked String modeling synth
  • Freeverb
  • John Chowning Reverb (JCReverb)
  • LowpassCombFilter and FeedbackCombFilter
  • Sampler with pitch control
  • Clock tick callback is out of the audio thread using setTimeout
  • Optimized Tone.Modulo
  • Tests run using OfflineRenderingContext
  • Fixed Transport bug where timeouts/intervals and timelines were on a different tick counter
  • AmplitudeEnvelope + triggerAttackDecay on Envelope
  • Instruments inherit from Tone.Instrument base-class
  • midi<-->note conversions

r1 - First!