Mysql |
MongoDB |
Database |
Database |
Table |
Collection |
Record |
Document |
mongo # connect to localhost mongoDB with default port
mongo --host --port 27017 # connect to the remote mongoDB
help # show help
show dbs # check all databases
use db-test # switched to db db-test or create db db-test if not exist
db # show current database
show collections # show all collections in current database # show all available operations in current database # show all available operation in current collection
db.collection-name.insert({"id": "pekingzcc", "gender": "male"}) # insert data, if data(key) exist then ignore{"id": "pekingzcc", "gender": "male"}) # insert data, if data(key) exist then update data
db.collection-name.update({'id':"pekingzcc"},{'$set':{'gender':"female"}},upsert=true,multi=true) # update by the query, "upsert=true" means if data not exist then insert, "multi=true" means if query multi documents, update all of them
db.collection-name.find() # find all documents
db.collection-name.findOne() # find the first document
db.collection-name.find({'id':'pekingzcc'}).limit(10) # find top 10 documents match the query
db.collection-name.find().sort({"name":-1}) # find all documents sorted by name desc
db.collection-name.drop() # delete collection
db.dropDatabase() # delete current database
db.collection-name.remove({'yy':5}) # delete a document
db.collection-name.remove() # delete all documents