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Releases: zer0Kerbal/OnDemandFuelCells

v1.1.2.1 - Set SCE to AUX

22 Sep 05:41
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On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled (ODFCr)

ODFC version For KSP 1.7.3 CKAN Indexed CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA

v. - Set SCE to AUX

STATUS: Release

  • [NEW][BUG] AmpYear doesn't seem to recognize ODFC
  • [BUG] Kerbalism is not compatible with ODFC - Kerbalism developers have chosen to not integrate since they have their own version.
  • [D][BUG] Found the problem, Bill left a torque converter, which was set to moar, in the innards. Plus Val thought it would be fun to hide her signature in the code of the FCOS (Fuel Cell Operating System). In doing so, she overwrote the code to remember the editor settings when translating over to flight. This has been fixed by moving her signature into another mod's code. She's still happy.
  • Updated to automated build (deploy.bat,buildRelease.bat/

Known Issue Tracker 🚧

  • [NEW][BUG] AmpYear doesn't seem to recognize ODFC
  • [BUG] TweakScale will not scale module ODFC
  • [BUG] B9 module swapping - needs onLoad etc update to make work
  • [BUG] next fuel mode should not be visible when only one mode
  • [BUG] Does not seeming work with BackgroundProcessing or Background Resources mods (being looked at) (so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus). Should not have both BackgroundProcessing and BackgroundResources installed.
  • [BUG] Kerbalism doesn't recognize ODFC, ODFC still functions correctly

Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3
Unity 2017.1.3p1
.NET 3.5

v. - Stall Alert! aka Stall Tactics

13 Sep 00:09
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On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled (ODFCr)

ODFC version For KSP 1.7.3 CKAN Indexed CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA

v. - Stall Alert! aka Stall Tactics

STATUS: Release

Issue Tracker

  • [NEW] Optional difficulty settings for moderate and hard play - stall. Don't run out of EC or the fuel cells will stop functioning since they need electricity to function.
    Thank you to LinuxGuruGamer for the Setting.cs code and assistance.
  • [NEW] feature: autoSwitch (disabled for hard play). If current fuel mode is lacking fuel, will automatically look for another mode that has fuel available. If you are completely out of fuel, well, let's face it - you are completely out of luck. We tried.
  • [NEW] group label on the PAW/RMB part window now reflects status of the fuel cell so you don't have to expand the group to peek in to see if the refrigerator light is on. thank you to @Blowfish, @dmagic, and @linuxgurugamer for the assist. That is one LONG piece of code.
  • PAW group label now in living color
  • removed attempt at adding color to PAW group label. those coders have been sacked.
  • continued working on [BUG]
  • /CODE/
  • udfs - updateFS
  • udft - updateFT
  • [NEW][BUG] Tweakscale will not scale module ODFC because onLoad() vs onStart issues?
  • [NEW][BUG] Kerbalism doesn't seem to recognize the unique brilliance of ODFC, not their fault hard to see when its that bright. :D
  • reversed removal of color coding PAW label. those coders have been sacked, and those sackers of the previously sacked are now extra-judicially sacked
  • PAW label now acts as a color coded STATUS label - dynamically updating

Known Issue Tracker 🚧

  • [BUG] Does not seeming work with BackgroundProcessing or Background Resources mods (being looked at) (so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus). Should not have both BackgroundProcessing and BackgroundResources installed.
  • [BUG] B9 module swapping - needs onLoad etc update to make work
  • [BUG] next fuel mode should not be visible when only one mode

Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3
Unity 2017.1.3p1
.NET 3.5

ODFC - Start 'em up! Oh you glorious Fuel Cells!

03 Sep 09:30
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On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled


ODFC version For KSP 1.7.3 CKAN Indexed

Issue Tracker

STATUS: Initial Release

v. (this is actually and next release will switch to

  • added item grouping in PAW.
  • [NEW][BUG] - B9 module swapping - needs onLoad etc update to make work
  • [NEW][BUG] next fuel mode should not be visible when only one mode
  • [D][BUG] mangled config caused this. added error checking in cfg.cs - thank you LGG for this code.
  • [NEW][BUG] ERROR!'s out when there is only one fuel mode. Stock pod patch only adds one mode (monoprop - because pods usually have monoprop if they have any fuel). This bug was temporarily fixed by added a second mode(it can be the same as the first so it appears like there only one fuel mode) in the patch (LFO).
  • Split patches into two categories, copy (green text) and modify (blue text)
  • Copy Patches now automatically rename the part with an ODFC prefix
  • Copy/Modify patches all add 50 cost, 0.001 mass, 5 EC battery, and 5 MP tank to all parts, even if part already has a battery / monoPropellant tank.
  • Added support for the following: JatwaaDemolitionsCo, SolidFuelCell, StockPods, UniversalStorage2,
  • Patches coming for the following: Bluedog Design Bureau, RLA, MiningExpansion, UniversalStorage
  • ad hoc, ergo promptus hoc: dropping the 'v' on all future version numbering.

Known Issue Tracker 🚧

  • [WIP] Work In Progress
  • [BUG] Doesn't seem to work with BackgroundResources mod (so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus)

v0.0.1.8 ODFC - Run Fuel Cell, Run!

23 Aug 05:03
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On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled


TransparentPodsRepressurized TransparentPodsRepressurized

Issue Tracker

STATUS: [WIP] Pre-Release - Work In Progress


  • ns renamed to newState
  • nmax renamed to newMax
  • add new recommended mod: HotBeverageReheated
  • add ODFC and AYA_FuelCell patches for HotBeverageReheated
  • add ODFC and AYA_FuelCell patches for UniversalStorage2
  • fixed typo in StockFuelCells.cfg (replaced '-' with '=')
  • [D][BUG] must have some EC to function, if EC == 0 causes ODFC to hang - just had to move two lines of code to execute earlier. Reason this works, why it wasn't working if vessel EC == 0 was the order of execution. Needed to add the generated EC before handling byproducts, and remove fuel which triggered update state.
  • Release to Beta-Testers

Known Issue Tracker

  • [WIP] Work In Progress
  • [BUG] Doesn't seem to work with BackgroundResources mod (so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus)

v0.0.1.7 ODFC - Unplugging the Fuel Tanks

22 Aug 09:23
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On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled


TransparentPodsRepressurized TransparentPodsRepressurized

Issue Tracker

[WIP] Work In Progress

  • [BUG] Doesn't seem to work with BackgroundResources mod (so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus)
  • [BUG] must have some EC to function, if EC == 0 causes ODFC to stop producing EC


v0.0.1.7 ODFC - Unplugging the Fuel Tanks

  • [D][BUG] other fixes seems to have fixed this.
  • [D][BUG] someone tried to hotwire the fuel tanks with EC (ElectricChargeID needed to be replaced with fuel.resourceID )
  • removed ScreenMessages #DEBUG code

v0.0.1.6 ODFC - Smell that new Fuel Cell Smell part Deux!

22 Aug 09:04
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On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled


TransparentPodsRepressurized TransparentPodsRepressurized

Issue Tracker

[WIP] Work In Progress

  • [BUG] Doesn't seem to work with BackgroundResources mod (so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus)
  • [BUG] fuel cell doesn't switch to the "Fuel Deprived" state if you run out of any of the currently used resources and continues to produce EC
  • [BUG] if ECneed > ECsupply & ECtotal = 0 will make the PAW fluctuate in size.
  • [BUG] must have some EC to function, if EC == 0 causes ODFC to hang


v0.0.1.6 ODFC - Smell that new Fuel Cell Smell part Deux!

  • commented Scale related code out
  • removed commented code from StockFuelCells.cfg to fix [BUG]
  • Added AllYAll-Removal.cfg (AllYAll doesn't currently work with ODFC, and the AYA_FuelCell module carries over with +PART)
  • Bug tracking now implemented via Github (all current and prior known bugs have been added and updated)
  • [BUG] changed to Future Feature Request (heat)
  • [NEW][BUG] Doesn't seem to work with BackgroundResources mod (so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus)
  • [D][NEW][BUG] AllYAll module being added

v0.0.1.5 ODFC - Smell that new Fuel Cell Smell!

17 Aug 09:15
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On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled


TransparentPodsRepressurized TransparentPodsRepressurized

Issue Tracker

[WIP] Work In Progress

  • [BUG] fuel cell doesn't switch to the "Fuel Deprived" state if you run out of any of the currently used resources and continues to produce EC
  • [BUG] if ECneed > ECsupply & ECtotal = 0 will make the PAW fluctuate in size.
  • [BUG] must have some EC to function, if EC == 0 does not charge

v0.0.1.5 ODFC - Smell that new Fuel Cell Smell!



  • [D][NEW][BUG] the paw label is created from the FSHORT node name in the part.cfg (or patch)
  • corrected changlog bug numbering (missing .)
  • started converting changelog to include markup
  • [BUG] zer0Kerbal left the capslock on when typing WATER, which the code didn't like.
  • removed code supporting FSHORT, instead using game references, which will also bring in localization
  • removed FSHORT from StockFuelCells.cfg

v0.0.1.4 ODFC - Spam Me, Spam Me Not

15 Aug 01:42
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On Demand Fuel Cells


v0.0.1.4 ODFC - Spam Me, Spam Me Not


* 4x4cheesecake
* variable sweep and decrypt (continued)
* typo correction
* removed animation code
* [BUG 0.0.12a] fixed log spam
* variable sweep and decrypt (continued)
* [BUG 0.0.13d] corrected misplaced decimal point in StockFuelCells.cfg (LF consumption 1/10 what it should have been in LF+IA mode)
* [WIP]Added H+0 operational mode to StockFuelCells :NEEDS(Community Resource Kit)
* cft = cfTime (temp)
* mecrl = fuelModeMaxECRateLimit
* ecn = ECneed
* eca - ECAmount
* [BUG 0.0.14a] fuel cell doesn't switch to the "Fuel Deprived" state if you run out of any of the currently used resources and continues to produce EC
* [BUG 0.0.14b] the H2O+water mode causes the part to mis-function (ERROR) - probably has to do with resourceAbbreviations
* [BUG 0.0.14c] [BUG] if ECneed > ECsupply & ECtotal = 0 will make the PAW fluctuate in size.

v0.0.1.3 ODFC - Deja Vu .dll

13 Aug 11:39
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On Demand Fuel Cells


v0.0.1.3 ODFC - Deja Vu .dll

seems most of the errors caused by having old ODFC.dll (included with part pack) and the new installed at the same time

  • created StockFuelCells.cfg which copies both stock fuel cells and adds ODFC

v0.0.1.2 - pre-release initial successful compile

09 Aug 02:00
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On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled


v. - initial successful compile
recompiled against Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3

several issues

  • lag spam:

[ERR 20:44:48.509] Module ODFC threw during OnFixedUpdate: System.NotImplementedException: The requested feature is not implemented.
at ODFC.ODFC.OnFixedUpdate () [0x00000] in :0
at Part.ModulesOnFixedUpdate () [0x00000] in :0

  • Must have some EC to function, if EC == 0 does not charge
  • Does not decriment fuel