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File metadata and controls

331 lines (266 loc) · 12.6 KB

REST Design - Performance

{SHOULD} reduce bandwidth needs and improve responsiveness

APIs should support techniques for reducing bandwidth based on client needs. This holds for APIs that (might) have high payloads and/or are used in high-traffic scenarios like the public Internet and telecommunication networks. Typical examples are APIs used by mobile web app clients with (often) less bandwidth connectivity. (Zalando is a 'Mobile First' company, so be mindful of this point.)

Common techniques include:

Each of these items is described in greater detail below.

{SHOULD} use gzip compression

A servers and clients should support gzip content encoding to reduce the data transported over the network and thereby speed up response times, unless there is a good reason against this. Good reasons against compression are:

  1. The content is already compressed, or

  2. The server has not enough resources to support compression.

While gzip content encoding should be the default, servers must also support unencoded content for testing. This is ensured by content negotiation using the {Accept-Encoding} request header (see {RFC-9110}#section-12.5.3[RFC 9110 Section 12.5.3]). Successful compression is signaled via the {Content-Encoding} response header (see {RFC-9110}#section-8.4[RFC 9110 Section 8.4]). Clients and servers may support other compression algorithms as compress, deflate, or br.

To signal server support for compression the API specification should define both, the {Accept-Encoding} request header and the {Content-Encoding} response header. This can be done by simply referencing the standard header definitions as follows (see also the default definition below):

      $ref: ''
      $ref: ''

Note: since most server and client frameworks still do not support gzip-compression out-of-the-box you need to manually activate it, e.g. Spring Boot, or add a dedicated middleware, e.g. gin-gionic/gin.

{SHOULD} support partial responses via filtering

Depending on your use case and payload size, you can significantly reduce network bandwidth need by supporting filtering of returned entity fields. Here, the client can explicitly determine the subset of fields he wants to receive via the {fields} query parameter. (It is analogue to GraphQL fields and simple queries, and also applied, for instance, for Google Cloud API’s partial responses.)



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "cddd5e44-dae0-11e5-8c01-63ed66ab2da5",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, United States",
  "birthday": "1984-09-13",
  "friends": [ {
    "id": "1fb43648-dae1-11e5-aa01-1fbc3abb1cd0",
    "name": "Jane Doe",
    "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, United States",
    "birthday": "1988-04-07"
  } ]


GET,friends(name)) HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "John Doe",
  "friends": [ {
    "name": "Jane Doe"
  } ]

The {fields} query parameter determines the fields returned with the response payload object. For instance, (name) returns users root object with only the name field, and (name,friends(name)) returns the name and the nested friends object with only its name field.

OpenAPI doesn’t support you in formally specifying different return object schemes depending on a parameter. When you define the field parameter, we recommend to provide the following description: Endpoint supports filtering of return object fields as described in [Rule #157](

The syntax of the query {fields} value is defined by the following BNF grammar.

<fields>            ::= [ <negation> ] <fields_struct>
<fields_struct>     ::= "(" <field_items> ")"
<field_items>       ::= <field> [ "," <field_items> ]
<field>             ::= <field_name> | <fields_substruct>
<fields_substruct>  ::= <field_name> <fields_struct>
<field_name>        ::= <dash_letter_digit> [ <field_name> ]
<dash_letter_digit> ::= <dash> | <letter> | <digit>
<dash>              ::= "-" | "_"
<letter>            ::= "A" | ... | "Z" | "a" | ... | "z"
<digit>             ::= "0" | ... | "9"
<negation>          ::= "!"

Note: Following the principle of least astonishment, you should not define the {fields} query parameter using a default value, as the result is counter-intuitive and very likely not anticipated by the consumer.

{SHOULD} allow optional embedding of sub-resources

Embedding related resources (also know as Resource expansion) is a great way to reduce the number of requests. In cases where clients know upfront that they need some related resources they can instruct the server to prefetch that data eagerly. Whether this is optimized on the server, e.g. a database join, or done in a generic way, e.g. an HTTP proxy that transparently embeds resources, is up to the implementation.

See [137] for naming, e.g. "embed" for steering of embedded resource expansion. Please use the BNF grammar, as already defined above for filtering, when it comes to an embedding query syntax.

Embedding a sub-resource can possibly look like this where an order resource has its order items as sub-resource (/order/{orderId}/items):

GET /order/123?embed=(items) HTTP/1.1

  "id": "123",
  "_embedded": {
    "items": [
        "position": 1,
        "sku": "1234-ABCD-7890",
        "price": {
          "amount": 71.99,
          "currency": "EUR"

{MUST} document cacheable GET, HEAD, and POST endpoints

Caching has to take many aspects into account, e.g. general cacheability of response information, our guideline to protect endpoints using SSL and OAuth authorization, resource update and invalidation rules, existence of multiple consumer instances. Caching is in best case complex, e.g. with respect to consistency, in worst case inefficient.

As a consequence, client side as well as transparent web caching should be avoided, unless the service supports and requires it to protect itself, e.g. in case of a heavily used and therefore rate limited master data service, i.e. data items that rarely or not at all change after creation.

As default, servers and clients should always set the {Cache-Control} header to {Cache-Control-no-store} and assume the same setting, if no {Cache-Control} header is provided.

Note: There is no need to document this default setting. However, please make sure that your framework is attaching these header values by default, or ensure this manually, e.g. using the best practice of Spring Security as shown below. Any setup deviating from this default must be sufficiently documented.

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0

If your service really requires to support caching, please observe the following rules:

  • Document all [cacheable] {GET}, {HEAD}, and {POST} endpoints by declaring the support of {Cache-Control}, {Vary}, and {ETag} headers in response. Note: you must not define the {Expires} header to prevent redundant and ambiguous definition of cache lifetime. A sensible default documentation of these headers is given below.

  • Take care to specify the ability to support caching by defining the right caching boundaries, i.e. time-to-live and cache constraints, by providing sensible values for {Cache-Control} and {Vary} in your service. We will explain best practices below.

  • Provide efficient methods to warm up and update caches (see ).

Usually, you can reuse the standard {Cache-Control}, {Vary}, and {ETag} response header definitions provided by the guideline as follows:

      $ref: ''
      $ref: ''
      $ref: ''

See also [182].

Cache Support Patterns

To make best use of caching in micro service environments you need to provide efficient methods to warm up and update caches, e.g. as follows:

  • In general, you should support ETag Together With If-Match/ If-None-Match Header on all [cacheable] endpoints.

  • For larger data items you should support {HEAD} requests or more a bit more efficient {GET} requests with {If-None-Match} header to check for updates.

  • For small data sets you should provide a get full collection {GET} endpoint that supports an {ETag} for the collection in combination with a {HEAD} or {GET} requests with {If-None-Match} to check for updates.

  • For medium sized data sets provide a get full collection {GET} endpoint that supports an {ETag} for the collection in combination with [pagination] and {entity-tag} filtering {GET} requests for limiting the response to changes since the provided {entity-tag}. Note: this is not supported by generic client and proxy caches on HTTP layer.

Hint: For proper cache support, you must return {304} without content on a failed {HEAD} or {GET} request with If-None-Match: <entity-tag> instead of {412}. For {ETag} see also [182].

Default Header Values

The default setting for {Cache-Control} should contain the private directive for endpoints with standard OAuth authorization, as well as the must-revalidate directive to ensure, that the client does not use stale cache entries. Last, the max-age directive should be set to a value between a few seconds (max-age=60) and a few hours (max-age=86400) depending on the change rate of your master data and your requirements to keep clients consistent.

Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate, max-age=300

The default setting for {Vary} is harder to determine correctly. It depends on the API endpoint, e.g. whether it supports compression, accepts different media types, or requires other request specific headers. To support correct caching you have to carefully choose the value. However, a good first default may be:

Vary: accept, accept-encoding

Anyhow, this is only relevant, if you encourage clients to install generic HTTP layer client and proxy caches.

Caching strategy

Generic client and proxy caching on HTTP level is hard to configure. Therefore, we strongly recommend to attach the (possibly distributed) cache directly to the service (or gateway) layer of your application. This relieves the service from interpreting the {vary} header and greatly simplifies the usage patterns of the {Cache-Control} and {ETag} headers. Moreover, is highly efficient with respect to cache performance and overhead, and allows to support more advanced cache update and warm up patterns.

Anyhow, please carefully read {RFC-9111}[RFC 9111] before adding any client or proxy cache.