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We strongly believe in Test-Driven Development.

Get the source

Fork the project source code on github:

git clone git://

You can pull only a shallow clone by specifying the number of commits you want with --depth:

git clone git:// --depth 10


Infinitest is on Java 8, except for the infinitest-intellij module which is on Java 11, so a JDK >= 11 is required for building. You need Maven. To run a reactor build in the repository root:

mvn clean install

This will compile, test and package all modules of the project in a single operation.

TODO Describe where resulting artifacts are found.

Finding your way around

infinitest-intellij is the IntelliJ platform plugin, while infinitest-eclipse is the Eclipse plugin.

Both plugins embed infinitest-lib, infinitest-runner and infinitest-classloader.

To run tests infinitest-lib starts a dedicated ìnfinitest-runner process and communicates with it using a socket (see NativeConnectionFactory).

infinitest-classloader is used as System classloader for infinitest-runner process to read classpath from a config file instead of reading it from environment/arguments which are too limited in length to allow arbitrary large classpaths.

testWorkspace is a collection of sample projects that we use for exploratory testing. If you find something in the wild that makes Infinitest break, it's a good idea to reproduce it in testWorkspace, fix it, and then try it again to be sure you've really fixed it.

Setup and debug in Eclipse

## Install Eclipse

  • Install “Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers”
  • Create a workspace
  • Add infinitest git repository to workspace
  • Import all projects from git using default options
  • Eclipse proposes to install maven plugins connector for maven-bundle-plugin, maven-dependency-plugin, Click auto-select and Accept
  • run mvn clean install from command line
  • Right click project infinitest-eclipse > Maven > Update project and update project

If you have Error “AutoValue_InfinitestConfiguration cannot be resolved to a type”

Running and Debugging Infinitest in Eclipse

After some changes

  • Run mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
  • Right-click plugin.xml -> Open With -> Plug-in Manifest Editor Tab Overview -> Launch/Debug an Eclipse application

Keep in mind that while you can use Infinitest to test Infinitest, some weird things happen when you change anything in the infinitest-runner project, because that project is actually used to run the tests, so any changes you make may conflict with the classes in whatever version of the plugin you have installed. As a result, we try to keep infinitest-runner as thin as we can get it.

# Setup and debug in IntelliJ

  • run mvn clean install to build the project
  • From IntelliJ install the plugin from disk (in File / Settings / Plugins), look for the .zip file in infinitest-intellij/target
  • In Intellij's Help / Edit Custom JVM Options menu add the options for remote debug (and then you can remotely debug IntelliJ from Eclipse): -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000,suspend=n

Maintainers Area

Signing the Eclipse and IntelliJ plugins

The plugins jars are signed with the key uploaded as the KEYSTORE_BASE64 Github secret, see release.yml To generate a new key (for instance in case it expired, see how to renew the certificate with the same key):

keytool -genkey -dname "cn=Guillaume Toison, ou=Developers, o=Infinitest, c=FR" -alias infinitest -keystore keystore.jks -validity 365

Use a complex password and upload it as the KEYSTORE_PASSWORD secret.

We do not want to commit the key in Git, so we Base64 encode the keystore file and upload it as a Github secret.

On linux:

$ base64 -i keystore.jks -o keystore.base64

On Windows we can use certutil and upload the content between the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE lines excluding the line breaks:

certutil -f -encode keystore.jks keystore.base64

Publishing a release

  • Test, obviously
  • Create a new branch for a pull request
  • Add the changelog to the IntelliJ plugin.xml file
  • Upgrade the pom.xml version: at the root of the project:

mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=5.3.0

  • Commit the pom.xml files
  • Upgrade again the pom.xml files to the next SNAPSHOT version:

mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=5.3.1-SNAPSHOT

  • Create a pull request from the head and, once approved, merge it (do not squash it since we need the two commits)
  • Create a GitHub release on the commit with the final version
  • The release name and the tag name must be the version, e.g. 5.3.0
  • In the release include the notable changes, GitHub can automatically list the Pull Requests since the last version
  • Once created the release should trigger the release.yml, this will add the artifacts to the release
  • Get the IntelliJ plugin from the release page and upload it to the marketplace
  • Get the Eclipse plugin from the release and commit the zip content to the Infinitest website repository