title: The (perfect) JavaScript project output: index.html theme: theme controls: false
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-- presenter
-- presenter
- Agencies are sweat shops but can be a good place to cut your teeth
- Start ups are interesting
- Look for founders that don't resemble cult leaders
- .NET will feed you in this town but you'll lose your soul
- Rails is gaining ground
- More remote work
- Rails + NodeJS + python are the new standard
- Lot's of front-end dev positions
- Don't be cheap
- Determine a reasonable rate
- Min hourly rate should be your cost of living (per year) / 1,000
- Max? Keep raising your rate until you are at 2/3 capacity
MVC is dying a slow death and **web components** are the future.
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- Hybrid mobile apps (Cordova/Phonegap)
- Native mobile apps (React Native, Appcelerator)
- Server side (NodeJS)
- All web apps have JS. A lot are very JS heavy
- Container technology
- Docker
- lxc
- SmartOS