This library provides a Marshmallow field for Arrow objects.
Create an ArrowField in your schema:
from marshmallow_arrow import ArrowField
class CalendarEventSchema(Schema):
name = fields.Str()
start_datetime = ArrowField(required=False)
ArrowFields are deserialized from isoformatted strings
schema = CalendarEventSchema()
data, _ = schema.load(
{'name': 'Birthday Party', 'start_datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat()}
# data:
# {'start_datetime': <Arrow [2018-01-15T22:22:22.155520+00:00]>, 'name': u'Birthday Party'}
and serialized to isoformatted strings
birthday = arrow.utcnow()
birthday_event = CalendarEvent('Birthday Party', birthday)
schema = CalendarEventSchema()
result = schema.dump(birthday_event)
# {u'start_datetime': '2018-01-15T22:23:55.861418+00:00', u'name': u'Birthday Party'}