"All Models are wrong, some are useful" This saying as an implicit concept in it.
Two examples :
A very long time ago...
I failed miserably a chemistry lab.
The experiment was a fractional distillation of
an azeotropic mixture
We had to draw the vapor-liquid equilibrium for the mixture.
At the end of the lab, we show our curve to the lab masters...
And they tell us , it's wrong...
Why : we forgot to document the pressure in our drawing.
Forgetting to put the pressure completely invalidated the experiment, because the curve was valid only given a known constant pressure.
In other words
The model we provided did not document the constraints (the context) within which it is valid.
classical mechanics and quantum mechanics
This one is easy...
They both have mathematical models to describe the world.
The classical mechanics is useful and good enough for some cases . see Faynman physics lectures
Quantum physics for other.
So I propose that we make a slight change in the saying:
"All Models are wrong, some are useful in a given context "