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File metadata and controls

504 lines (399 loc) · 13.9 KB


Using the docker image exposes a REST API for creating and retrieving graphs. Each section below represents a single API endpoint.

Each data source generates a graph, which is mapped back to a category (two data sources may output to the same category).

  • For example, the GenericVTSandbox and GenericVTSandboxAPI outputs to the VT Sandbox which has an id of vt_sandbox. HXTriage outputs to the FireEye HX category, which has an id of fireeye_hx

REST Endpoints

List Data Sources /api/datasources

Returns a list of available datasources, which transformers they work with, as well as which parameters are required to use this datasource. This can be used to identify what values are available to be used with the new graph endpoint.

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200
      Output Schema:
                      "id": string,
                      "name": string,
                      "params": [
                              "name": string,
                              "required": boolean,
                      "transformers": [
                              "id": string,
                              "name": string
                      "type": "files"|"external"
          "backends": [
              {"name": string" id": string},
  • Notes
    The response JSON of this API call provides an array of all available datasources and backends

    The datasources array contains the following information:

    • id: This is the python class for this datasource.
    • name : The human-readable version of the name. This is the value which shows up in the dropdown on the upload form.
    • params: A list of parameters that can be passed to this data source. Required parameters have the required field set to True.
    • transformers: A list of transformers that this data source supports. Each one has the ID and human-readble name of the transformer.
    • type: The type of data source this is:
      • files: Parameters represent files that need to be uploaded
      • external: Parameters represent text input which is used to fetch data by the data source class.

    For example:

        "id": "HXTriage",
        "name": "FireEye HX Triage",
        "params": [
                "name": "triage",
                "required": true
        "transformers": [
                "id": "FireEyeHXTransformer",
                "name": "FireEye HX"
        "type": "files"

    In the above, the HXTriage data source requires one file based parameter called triage, and the data it yields can be transformed into nodes via the FireEye HX transformer class.

    The backends key simply contains key/value names of the various datasource classes. For example:

    { "name": "Neo4J", "id": "Neo4J" }
  • Sample Output:

        "datasources": [
                "id": "GenericVTSandbox",
                "name": "VirusTotal v3 API Sandbox Report Files",
                "params": [
                        "name": "behaviour_report_file",
                        "required": true
                        "name": "hash_metadata_file",
                        "required": false
                "transformers": [
                        "id": "GenericTransformer",
                        "name": "Generic"
                "type": "files"
                "id": "HXTriage",
                "name": "FireEye HX Triage",
                "params": [
                        "name": "triage",
                        "required": true
                "transformers": [
                        "id": "FireEyeHXTransformer",
                        "name": "FireEye HX"
                "type": "files"
        "backends": [{ "name": "NetworkX", "id": "NetworkX" }, { "name": "Neo4J", "id": "Neo4J" }]

New Graph /api/new

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Data Params

        // Required parameters
        "datasource": string,
        "transformer": string,
        "comment": string,
        // Optionally set the backend, by default uses NetworkX
        "backend": string | undefined
        // Parameters unique to datasource
        "param1": string|file,
        "param2": string|file,
        "paramX": string|file,

    Since each different data sources may require a different number of parameters to properly work. This endpoint requires three main parameters, followed by any additional parameters used by that specific datasource.

  • Success Response:

    If the graph is generated without any errors, the ID of the of the graph is generated, as well as the route to view it in the beagle web interface.

    • The self value represents the URI for viewing the graph using the built-in web interface. The ID can be used for fetching the raw JSON using the /graph/:id endpoint.

    • Code: 200
          id : number,
          self: /:category/:id
  • Error Response:

    This endpoint returns 400 if a parameter is missing, or 500 if there was an error. In both cases, the message field of the response will return a reason for failure.

    • Code: 400 - Missing parameters
      Example: { message : "Missing parmaeters: [transformer, datasource]" }

    • Code: 500 - Unhandled exception in graph process
      Content: { message : "KeyError at line ...." }

  • Sample Call:

    Creating a graph using the FireEye HX Triage requires a single parameter, triage. The data source ID is HXTriage, and the supported transformer's ID is FireEyeHXTransformer. If our triage is called incident.mans, we can create a new triage with the following CURL command.

    curl -F '[email protected]' \
        -F 'datasource=HXTriage' \
        -F 'transformer=FireEyeHXTransformer' \
        -F 'comment=Stuxnet Triage' \

    Creating the same triag,e but this time send it to Neo4J

    curl -F '[email protected]' \
        -F 'datasource=HXTriage' \
        -F 'transformer=FireEyeHXTransformer' \
        -F 'comment=Stuxnet Triage' \
        -F "backend=Neo4J" \

Get Graph JSON /api/graph/<int:graph_id>

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Success Response:

    Returns a node link data formatted representation of the graph.

    • Code: 200
          directed: boolean,
          links: [
          multigraph: boolean,
          nodes: [
  • Error Response:

    This endpoint returns 404 if one does not exist.

    • Code: 404 - Graph not found
      Example: { message : "Graph not found" }
  • Sample Call:

    curl http://localhost:8000/api/graph/3
        "directed": true,
        "links": [
                "id": 6,
                "properties": {
                    "data": [
                            "timestamp": 1474410459
                "source": 5905145826784592000,
                "target": -6580422346879020000,
                "type": "Launched"
        "multigraph": true,
        "nodes": [
                "_color": "#FF0000",
                "_display": "dllhost.exe",
                "_node_type": "Process",
                "id": -6580422346879020000,
                "properties": {
                    "command_line": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\DllHost.exe /Processid:{AB8902B4-09CA-4BB6-B78D-A8F59079A8D5}",
                    "hashes": {},
                    "host": "IE10Win7",
                    "process_id": 3564,
                    "process_image": "dllhost.exe",
                    "process_image_path": "C:\\Windows\\System32",
                    "process_path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\dllhost.exe",
                    "user": "IE10WIN7$"

    Note: The output of this call be passed into the networkx networkx.readwrite.json_graph.node_link_graph function to get networkx.Graph objects.

    >>> import requests, networkx
    # Use requests to get the data as JSON
    >>> graph_data = requests.get("http://localhost:8000/api/graph/1").json()
    # Parse into a networkx graph
    >>> G = networkx.readwrite.json_graph.node_link_graph(graph_data)
    >>> G
    <networkx.classes.multidigraph.MultiDiGraph object at 0x12aac7128>

Get Graph Metadata /api/metadata/<int:graph_id>

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Success Response:

    Returns the metadata dictionary for a graph ID.

    • Code: 200
  • Error Response:

    This endpoint returns 404 if one does not exist.

    • Code: 404 - Graph not found
      Example: { message : "Graph not found" }
  • Sample Call:

    curl http://localhost:8000/api/metadata/1
        "malicious": 3,
        "name": "WallpaperHdInstaller.exe",
        "results": [
                "McAfee-GW-Edition": ""
                "Paloalto": ""
                "TrendMicro-HouseCall": "TROJ_GEN.R002H06BP19"
        "sandbox_name": "Tencent HABO",
        "sha256": "d9a2ba3e2f149473d1ecf123aa548eecf26115d988265cb0bdaef7f465b10bc2"

List Categories /api/categories

Returns a list of all categories, their names and ids.

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200
      Output Structure
              name: string,
              id: string
      Example output:
              id: "sysmon",
              name: "SysMon"
              id: "windows_event_logs",
              name: "Windows Event Logs"
              id: "vt_sandbox",
              name: "VT Sandbox"
              id: "windows_memory",
              name: "Windows Memory"
              id: "fireeye_hx",
              name: "FireEye HX"

List Category Entries /api/categories/<string:category>

Returns a list of all graphs in the current category, their ids, comments associated with them, and the metadata generated by the datasource for them, as well as the path the JSON graph on disk.

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Data Params

            comment: string,
            file_path: string,
            id: number,
            metadata: object
  • Success Response:

    The metadata object changes on a per category basis. The graphs file name is the SHA256 of it's JSON contents.

    • Code: 200
      Example output:
              comment: "PSAttack example logs",
              file_path: "90d90ebb64d60129fa8ed89e1d2ec97aea5957228cf9fd8282c6052718eba7b7.json",
              id: 1,
              metadata: {
                  hostname: "IE10Win7"