A delay tracker for trains in Italy. Powered by Serverless framework.
Built as part of our study on serverless applications development.
DEMO: development , production
Simply provide the train number for your train, the station at which you want to take it, and your email where to receive notifications. If the registration is successful, you will receive an email alert every time the delay of your train changes.
If you don't want to receive any more alerts, you can click on the unregister link at the bottom of alert emails.
To run this project locally, your system must meet the following requirements:
- be a unix-like system
- nodejs
- a working JRE (for dynamodb-local)
npm install
npm run install:dynamodb
You'll need to launch both the API and the frontend.
npm start
npm run start:client
By default it runs Unit and Integration Tests
npm t
Run only unit tests
npm run test:unit
Run only integration tests
npm run test:integration
Run only acceptance tests
npm run test:acceptance
Test coverage
npm run coverage
Setup aws credentials and then run
npm run deploy
This project assumes that your account has been moved out of the Amazon SES sandbox.
You can find functionName in the serverless.yml
npm run logs -- -f <functionName> -t