This finds the largest open editor, splits it, then sets the editor type to for instance.. NODE_EDITOR.
import bpy
def get_largest_area():
window_reference = None
surface_area = 0
ctx = None
for window in
for area in window.screen.areas:
w, h = area.width, area.height
surface = w * h
if surface > surface_area:
surface_area = surface
window_reference = area
override = bpy.context.copy()
override['area'] = area
return window_reference, surface_area, override
area, size, ctx = get_largest_area()
bpy.ops.screen.area_split(ctx, direction='HORIZONTAL',factor=0.5)
bpy.ops.wm.context_set_string(ctx, data_path="area.type", value="NODE_EDITOR")