In Wu, as mentioned, everything is an expression, even if-conditions. This means you can define your variables, call your functions etc. based on where the program flow is going.
Of course you can always decide to use vanilla if's:
if 2 + 2 == 2 {
print("it's actually two")
} elif 2 + 2 == 3 {
print("nevermind, it's three")
} else {
print("I'm bad at addition")
Or not:
result := if 2 + 2 == 2 {
"it's two"
} elif 2 + 2 == 3 {
"it's three"
} else {
"something else"
While-expressions work basically the same way as if-expressions, though they always return ()
- which is kind of useless, but for the sake of consistency and expression-oriented programming so whatever.
So, normal independent while loops:
a := 1
while a < 10 {
a = a + 1
You can also assign variables to while loops, if you for some reason wanted to do that:
b := 1
a := while b == 1 {
b = b - 1
# at this point `a` is nil :))