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How To Get Hired |
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Site: Jason.Land
Front End Engineer at Diego Dev
Co-organizer at meetup.com/sandiegojs
Previously Tipsy Elves, The Control Group, Origin Code Academy, Touch This Media
Curator of n00b.news
You are trading time and labor for capital.
Don't fall in love with a position.
It will never love you back.
- Eat Right
- Get Sleep
- See your friends/family
- Trello is easy and free
- List your network contacts who might be able to help
- Front/back end or full stack? Mobile? DevOps?
- Startup, enterprise, contract, non-profit?
- SaaS, B2B, B2C, E-commerce?
- Find what satisfies you
- Every job description is a wish list
- Unless it's wildly out of your skill set, you can probably get it
- If you don't know something on the list, then Youtube, Udemy, Egghead are your friends
Check out Indeed/Monster/etc
But don't use them to apply!
---- Setup a website, but don't build a website
- Your projects should be running live on Now or Heroku
- Resume is also in HTML format and downloadable as a PDF
It's their job to say "no" to that stack of resumes from Indeed
It's your job to get them to say yes
- Look at the company's staff page, find the senior developers (never the CTO unless it's a startup)
- Check if they have in-house recruiters
- Contact someone in HR as a last resort
- Don't let more than 4 days go by without a message contact
- Don't harass, just ask if they've had a look at your resume
- Only give up after 14+ days of no response
- Get a LinkedIn Pro account
- Free for the first 30 days
- Send a direct message & connection request to your targets ⬆️
- To save time
- To save money
- To do something they don't know how (which is really a combo of 1 & 2)
- Your message needs to convey 1, 2, or 3
- Setup a site w/screenshots/gifs of your app(s)
- No one has time to install the source so make a portfolio page
- Host it on Now.sh
- Get a great README on your repos: http://bit.ly/nice-readme
- Host an HTML resume on your site w/PDF download
Practicing what I preach: Jason.Land/resume
- Business casual attire is fine, no tie needed
- Men: Get leather shoes, all black sneakers won't cut it
- Women: slacks & blouse are fine, no heels needed
- If they say don't wear a suit...
- Arrive 10 minutes early
- Accept a water if they ask you if you want something
- Go over your interview questions
- Sit/stand up straight
- Bring a tissue or handkerchief to wipe your hands
Bring a leather portfolio with:
- 10+ copies of your resume
- A pen
- A blank pad of paper
- A sheet of questions to ask them
Interviews are a two way street
- Questions from the updated Joel Test
- How long have the senior devs been at this company?
- Is there a mentor system in place?
- What would your ideal candidate look like 6 months from now?
- Speak as if you're a strong candidate
- Ask what the next steps are
- Thank them: thankyouletter.ws
- Remember the 4 day rule
- Job offers won’t be rescinded if you ask for too much money
- Ask for more vacation if they're greedy and won't pay more
- Start interviewing with your least desirable company first.
- Consider them practice
- After your interview at your favored company, you’ll have multiple offers and can use them as leverage.
- I've found 4 jobs through meetups
- Go to one at least once a week
- Vary them, don't always go to the same ones
- Make sure you talk to at least 4-5 people